Како инсталирати ЛЕД екран? Које су методе инсталације?

ЛЕД екран се сада све више користи. Када се поље примене и инсталационо окружење разликују, методе инсталације ЛЕД дисплеја су такође различите. Како инсталирати ЛЕД екран? Које су методе инсталације?

спољни лед зид
1、 The most common installation method (wall mounted or embedded)
Wall mounted installation is the most commonly used installation method. The LED display will protrude 10 cm or more from the wall. Embedded is that the whole LED large screen is embedded into the wall, and the display plane is at the same level as the wall. These two installation methods are usually used when there is no rain indoors or semi outdoors, and the front maintenance design is generally adopted (i.e. front maintenance design, which is usually assembled by unit plate magnetic suction).
2、 Cantilever or suspension type
This method can be used both indoors and outdoors. Обично, indoor scenes are used at the entrance of passages and corridors, as well as at the entrance of stations, railway stations and subway entrances. Outdoor scenes are used for traffic guidance on highways, railways and expressways.
3、 Column installation (single column and double column)
There are many column installation methods, which are generally used for outdoor billboards, and the single column installation method is suitable for small screens; Double column installation method is suitable for large screen; Closed maintenance channel is suitable for simple box; The open maintenance channel is suitable for all outdoor boxes.
4、 Начин уградње подног и кровног типа
Ова метода је применљива у затвореном и на отвореном. Обично, задњи зид не може да поднесе оптерећење или је околина отворена, па се може поставити само вертикално на земљу. Овај метод уградње је генерално дебео, јер около нема тачака подршке, а све силе су ослоњене на дно.

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