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Úvod do bezdrátové LED obrazovky pro videostěny

bezdrátový led ovladač

Bezdrátový systém LED obrazovky se skládá hlavně z LED obrazovky s bezdrátovou sítí (GSM) modul pro přenos dat a centrum pro publikování uživatelských dat (software pro řízení správy informací + vyhrazený přenosový modul).

bezdrátový led ovladač
Vlastnosti bezdrátových LED obrazovek
1、 Síť ve velkém měřítku: Bezdrátové LED obrazovky odesílat informace prostřednictvím bezdrátových sítí, jako je GSM, GPRS, CDMA, 3G, atd., pomocí síťového přenosového protokolu TCP/IP, and the number of terminal networking is not limited, so they can be networked on a large scale.
2、 Real time information release: Wireless LED screens can receive information from the information center at any time.
3、 Unrestricted by distance: Wireless LED screens can be used nationwide, as long as there is wireless network signal coverage, without being limited by distance and location.
4、 Easy installation and maintenance: As there is no need to lay optical cables or communication cables, the installation position of the wireless LED screen is easy to choose. Modular design, easy to maintain and repair, and automatically save all information for automatic dial-up internet connection, automatic redial when disconnected, ensuring reliable connection. When powered on again after power outage, the wireless LED screen automatically plays the original information. Anti interference design, suitable for electromagnetic harsh environment applications, high and low temperature design, suitable for low and high temperature working environments.
5、 Multiple information dissemination methods: Depending on the selected communication network, different information transmission methods can be selected to update the information on the wireless LED display screen, and information can be sent in groups or single points. Například, computers send messages through relevant websites on the Internet, computers send messages through dedicated information sending modules, and regular mobile phones send messages.
6、 Multiple LED display screen options: various indoor, semi outdoor, outdoor single color, dual color, barva, atd.
7、 Multiple language options: such as numbers, letters, Chinese, English, atd.
8、 Rich information display methods: Each information can be customized with its display method and dwell time, and can be arranged and displayed freely, which is very flexible.
9、 Multiple information encryption methods: such as adding identification codes and verification codes when sending information according to user needs, or only receiving dedicated numbers. Ensure information security.
10、 Supports multiple special effects functions.
Wireless LED information display screen is a new type of information media that has been widely accepted by social groups since its debut. Itsmobiledisplay and networked information dissemination characteristics have been highly praised by the advertising industry, becoming a new type of advertising media. No matter where the LED display screens are placed or how many LED display screens there are, hlavní řídicí centrum systému může přesně a okamžitě publikovat informace na určenou jednu nebo více nebo všechny LED obrazovky. Bezdrátový systém šíření informací na obrazovkách LED může výrazně zvýšit flexibilitu a výkon obrazovek LED jako nosičů informačních obrazovek v reálném čase., a hrají velkou roli při rozšiřování aplikací LED obrazovek.

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