Category Archives: Obchodní noviny

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Efekt LED obrazovky tanečního parketu?

vedený taneční parket

Mnoho podniků ví o LED interaktivní obrazovce tanečního parketu, ale neznají podrobnosti. Vědí pouze, že efekt LED obrazovky je velmi dobrý, které mohou přinést popularitu a zvýšit zisky. Také chci udělat takový projekt pro sebe, abych přilákal návštěvnost a zvýšil příjem, ale mám také své starosti. Jako výrobce LED podlahové obrazovky, Továrna na LED displeje vám podrobně vysvětluje obrazovku LED podlahových dlaždic.

já. jaký je efekt LED podlahové obrazovky?

vedený taneční parket

S pokrokem doby a rozvojem vědy a techniky, design pozadí jeviště se každým dnem mění. Diváky už neláká tradiční scénografie. Stále více LED produktů je rychle integrováno do jeviště. Kromě velké obrazovky pozadí jeviště, barevná obrazovka pomocné obrazovky a projekční LED lampa, podlahová LED obrazovka je stále více milována publikem. Podle potřeb zákazníků, jsme inovativně prozkoumali a vyvinuli LED displej s podlahovými dlaždicemi p10.4, a provedli technickou inovaci. Výrobky z podlahových dlaždic nelze použít pouze jako pozadí dlaždic, ale také může být použit jako jevištní pozadí výstavní stohování a zvedání. Z pohledu zákazníků, jednu obrazovku lze použít pro optimalizaci zdrojů a úsporu nákladů. Podlahový LED displej si zachovává vlastnosti lehké a tenké krabice, snadno rozebrat a rozebrat, které zákazníci a přátelé milují a oceňují. Ve stejnou dobu, společnost provedla polní simulační experiment na zatížení obrazovky, a zatížení obrazovky je více než 1 tón.

II. Vlastnosti LED podlahové dlaždice obrazovky:

1. Modulární konstrukce z hliníkového tlakového lití pro dosažení bezproblémového spojování a libovolné kombinace;

2. Vysoce pevný otěruvzdorný a protiskluzový materiál s velkou nosností a silnou odolností proti nárazu;

3. Přiléhavý vzduchotěsný design odvodu tepla, se stupněm krytí až IP54;

4. Zpracování ve stupních šedi hloubky RGB pro realizaci libovolné změny barev;

5. Profesionální design forem, vysoká přesnost;

6. Standardní provedení krabice: 499mm * 499mm * 93mm

III. skutečný efekt obrazovky LED podlahové dlaždice

V posledních letech, interaktivní LED obrazovka z dlaždic, která získala pozornost na různých průmyslových výstavách a činnostech scénického umění, přidala na tento trh nové nápady. Na rozdíl od tradiční LED podlahové obrazovky, který může přehrávat pouze fixní obrázky podle předem určeného programu, aby se postaral o představení, interaktivní LED obrazovka může sledovat aktivity lidského těla a prezentovat obrazový efekt v reálném čase podle principu indukce lidského těla, tak, aby bylo dosaženo takových efektů, jako jsou chůzi herců, v reálném čase se objevují vodní vlny a květiny kvetoucí pod jejich nohama, vytvoření krásnější scény pro představení.

Není pochyb o tom, že LED obrazovka z dlaždic si může získat popularitu, což může přímo zvýšit tok lidí a rychle získat zpět náklady. Výrobce LED podlahových dlaždic továrna na LED displeje, můžete rychle nainstalovat obrazovku LED podlahové dlaždice, abyste mohli produkt co nejrychleji použít. Továrna na LED displeje není jen tato, existuje více LED displejů, podrobnosti získáte od zákaznického servisu!

Horní 10 Výrobci LED displejů pro jemné LED stěny

malá rozteč LED obrazovka

Mnoho lidí chce znát hodnocení značek LED displejů s malým roztečím, zejména domácí žebříček malých roztečí LED. Chtějí vědět, který z nich je lepší, a stojí za to koupit led displej s malým rozestupem samostatně. Ve skutečnosti, nahoře jsou vedeni malí výrobci prostoru 10, ale kvalitu a vlhkost neznáme, konkrétní nebo potřeba vidět účinek jejich zpětného nákupu.

já. LED displej malého prostoru

malá rozteč LED obrazovka

Malý prostorový LED displej označuje vnitřní LED displej s roztečí bodů LED p2,5 a nižší, hlavně včetně p2.5, p2.083, p1.923, p1.8, p1.667, P1.5, p1.25, P1.0 a další produkty s LED displejem. Se zlepšením technologie výroby LED displejů, rozlišení tradičního LED displeje bylo výrazně vylepšeno.

Druhý, vedl hodnocení značek pro malý prostor a hodnocení domácích LED v malém prostoru

Nemluvíme o hodnocení, mluvíme o síle, a spotřebitelé se vždy zaměřují na účinek. Mezi hlavní produktové modely továrny na LED displeje patří vnitřní maloprostorový LED displej P1.2, P1.5, P1.6, P1,875, p1.9, p1.923, P2. Nejprodávanější země světa, existují klasické případy v různých provinciích v Číně, nejprve se podívejte na skutečný efekt a pak mluvte o následujících věcech!

Továrna na LED displej není na vrcholu 10 ze seznamu výrobců LED s malou roztečí, ale jeho sílu nelze podceňovat, nejen malý rozestup vedl, ale také síťová červená LED obrazovka časového tunelu a LED obrazovka podlahové dlaždice, atd., a může vytvořit přizpůsobenou LED obrazovku podle potřeb zákazníků. Podrobnosti lze konzultovat s profesionály z výroby LED displejů, získat konečnou nabídku, získat nejdostupnější prodejní cenu!

LED průhledná obrazovka je široce používána pro skleněné stěny k vytvoření úžasného výkonu

transparent led wall

Led transparent screen, also known as ice screen, transparent LED display is a member of the LED display family. Because of its high permeability, it hardly affects the line of sight and does not affect the lighting, so it is called transparent screen. Led transparent screen is usually used in combination with glass, installed in the back of the glass, do not need to remove the original glass, do not occupy much space, and very thin!

The transparent LED screen can be used indoors or outdoors, and is not affected during the day. Proto, in contrast, in the daytime, led transparent screen is slightly better than glass projection.

transparent led wall

Navíc, the glass projection, using a projector, will have some distortion of color. If it is close, the experience is not very good, there will be a projection on the body, and it will be dazzling if you look directly at it. And led transparent screen, it is a kind of transparent display screen, the computer at the control end will display what it plays, without distortion.

To sum up, led transparent screen is better than glass projection in general. Ve skutečnosti, led transparent screen has been around for five or six years. It was popular in theBeijing 8 minutesof the 2018 Pingchang Winter Olympics. Director Zhang Da showed us a wonderful scene with the LED transparent screen. Since then, the LED transparent screen has become well known and widely used in various industries, such as shopping malls, letištích, bary, glass curtain walls, jewelry stores, clothing stores, 4S shops, restaurace, science and technology museums, hot pot shops, and mobile phones Shops, buildings, bus stops and other scenes are favored by businesses.

In the past two days, many friends in the circle of friends in Korea dowave fish tank”, when they pass by, they will be attracted by the realistic waves and stop. I am really worried that the waves will rush out! This is the visual impact of LED transparent screen!

V současnosti, the cost of offline physical stores to get customers is becoming more and more expensive, so it’s not very effective to make every effort. Why not follow thewave fish tank”? Attract consumers into the store, will produce consumption! The new era should use new media!

Is the price of LED outdoor advertising display screen expensive?

LED outdoor display screen is an advertisement that can drain, not only shows the strength of the store, but also promotes the popularity of commodities. Advertising to choose LED display screen is undoubtedly a good choice, that led outdoor advertising display price, LED display factory, LED display manufacturer online quotation!

já. Introduction of LED outdoor advertising display screen

Outdoor LED display, as a new favorite of outdoor display advertising media, is widely used in finance, taxation, industry and commerce, post and telecommunications, sports, reklamní, factories and mining enterprises, transportation, education system, stations, docks, letištích, shopping malls, hospitals, hotely, banky, securities market, construction market, auction house, industrial enterprise management and other public places. With media display, information release, traffic guidance, creative display and other purposes.

2. Is the price of LED outdoor advertising display expensive?

LED outdoor advertising display screen is composed of tube core, module circuit board, IC driver chip, module power supply, aluminum box and plastic mask, as well as all the wires and connecting wires inside the display screen. The models of single outdoor advertising screen are different. The characteristics of each model are different. The specific needs of customers should be considered. To see what type of customer needs, what materials, where to install and other factors to give the final quotation!

LED outdoor advertising display price can consult LED display factory, let professional sales staff talk with you, understand your needs, give you the price of goods. LED display factory LED display factory online at any time, to give you the most satisfactory quotation! LED display factory main product models include indoor small space LED display, indoor full-color LED display screen, conventional color screen; Outdoor full-color LED display, indoor and outdoor rental LED display series LED floor tile screen, led transparent screen, led glass trestle screen, led time tunnel screen, LED screen, sky screen and other LED electronic displays. All LED display products are large-scale production, with ultra-high cost performance advantages.

led transparent screen ice screen price is good for retail shop advertising

retail advertising

In the entire advertising industry, the use of LED display screen is very large, all kinds of places have his figure, especially jewelry shops, using LED transparent screen, perfect display jewelry momentum.

já. Introduction to LED transparent screen:

retail advertising

Led transparent screen, also known as ice screen, glass screen, transparent LED display screen, window screen, can be used for stage, studio, gold and jewelry store, clothing store, 4S shop, shopping mall, building glass curtain wall, real estate, science and Technology Museum, sightseeing elevator and other places. It is usually used in combination with glass, or can be used alone.

2. Specific situation of LED transparent screen ice screen:

Box size 500 * 500mm / 500 * 1000mm/

The resolution of the unit box is 64 * 64 / 64 * 128 / 128 * 128 points, and the resolution of the whole screen is 16384 points / m

About 75% high transparency effect, for the glass cabinet high window to retain daylighting and perspective function. Vysoké rozlišení. 14 bit gray level, high contrast and high refresh rate. The box is light and thin, without complex supporting steel structure, which can save a lot of installation costs. The whole screen flatness splicing gap is less than 0.1mm to realize seamless splicing. It is easy to operate and supports synchronous asynchronous remote control.

3. Price of LED transparent ice screen

How much is the transparent LED screen per square meter? In terms of price, there is a standard for online prices, but that standard is only for your reference. The purchase of LED display screen not only depends on the price, but also depends on the product quality, after-sales maintenance and other factors. nicméně, to be specific, on-line dealers are selling LED display screens, the price and service are often not affordable to manufacturers. It is more preferential to purchase goods from LED display manufacturers, and after-sales service does not need to bypass dealers.

Led transparent ice screen price can consult LED display factory, let professional sales staff talk with you, understand your needs, give you the price of goods. Led transparent screen how much a square? LED display factory to give you the most favorable price!

What are the advantages of transparent LED display?

led glass advertising

When it comes to transparent LED display, we have to talk about its effect. It is more convenient to disassemble and display, and the effect is better and the perspective is wider. If you want to know more about it, you should consult the manufacturer of LED display screen and find more professionals for detailed information. LED display factory and you talk about the transparent LED screen, casually share led transparent screen examples!

led glass advertising

Transparent LED display is a new type of display screen. There is a transparent led instead of glass in the front, and there are products inside. This transparent display attracts customers by contrasting the product displayed with the background of its digital content.

70% – 95% transparency, the screen has made a super transparent LED screen. The thickness of the panel is only 10 mm, so the LED unit panel can be installed from behind the glass and perfectly integrated with the glass. The unit size can be customized according to the size of the glass, which has little effect on the transparency of the glass curtain wall. It’s also easy to install and maintain. With these advantages, ultra transparent LED screen is very suitable for the field of architectural media.

What are the advantages of LED transparent screen? LED display manufacturers explain

1. Higher permeability: the permeability of side LED is generally higher than that of positive led. Transparent LED display screen model p7.8, the side luminous transmittance is 76%, while the same kind of positive luminous transmittance is only about 60%.

2. The effect is better: the brightness of the positive led transparent screen decreases from the best position in the middle along the two sides due to the shielding of the brackets on both sides of the lamp bead. The low brightness causes the audience on both sides of the stage to not see the image on the screen. The full-color LED transparent screen with side light-emitting is not covered by the bracket. The brightness increases from the front of the screen along both sides. The front and left and right upper parts are the best viewing surfaces, which makes the overall performance of the stage better.

3. Wider viewing angle: the positive LED is the standard lamp bead of the conventional LED display screen, which can ensure a 140 ° viewing angle; the side LED is installed on the upper or lower side of the light bar, and the visual angle can reach 160 ° with a wider viewing angle, so that the audience on both sides of the stage can also enjoy the ultimate stage visual feast.

4. More convenient for maintenance and disassembly: due to the light bar design structure, a single light bar can be quickly disassembled, and only the corresponding light bar can be replaced for local dead and broken lights. nicméně, due to the integration of the whole PVC mask and the design structure of the conventional LED transparent screen, if the partial replacement occurs, the whole box needs to be disassembled for maintenance, which is more troublesome.

Transparent led glass screen, also known as LED screen, led glass curtain wall screen, LED displej, is a new product based on traditional LED display screen, which is composed of article lamp components. As a new advertising media, it is widely used in glass curtain wall, shop window and other industries. Vysoká průhlednost, good heat dissipation and light weight. It has become a new bright spot of multimedia advertising media in modern cities of China. Led glass curtain is widely used in various commercial places, especially in high-end places such as shopping malls, letištích, exclusive stores, výstavy, high-speed, atd. It’s beautiful and easy to install. Pokud je potřeba, you can consult LED display manufacturerLED display factory!

jak vybrat správné výrobce LED displejů?

led stěna

Many people look for LED display vendors on the Internet, but they don’t know how many, but they don’t find their favorite LED display. No one knows which led display screen is good. There are so many online businesses that people are dazzled by it. Ve skutečnosti, if you want to find a good LED display screen, why don’t you go to the LED display factory to have a look? The main business is led time tunnel screen, LED displej, led transparent screen and indoor and outdoor LED full-color display obrazovka. Let me introduce it to you!

led stěna

We are a high-tech enterprise integrating the research and development, Výroba, sales and service of LED display screen and its application products. The company has gathered a group of high-quality professionals who have been engaged in LED display design, production and sales for many years, with a total of nearly 200 employees. The company covers an area of nearly 4000 metrů čtverečních, s 10500 square meters of production workshops and 2000 square meters of office space. We have 20 high-speed SMT machines and adopt automatic production process to ensure product quality.

V současnosti, the company’s main product models include indoor small space LED display P1.2, P1.5, P1.6, P1,875, p1.9, p1.923, P2; indoor LED display screen conventional p2.5, P3, P4, P5, P6, p7.62, P10, p12.5 color screen; outdoor LED display screen P4, P5, P6, P8, P10, str. 16; indoor and outdoor rental LED display screen series p3.91, p4.81, p5.95, p6.25, p6.67; Before the module maintenance led display screen P8, P10, str. 16, interactive LED floor tile screen: p3.91, p4.81, p5.2, p5.95, p6.25, transparent LED screen, window transparent screen, glass curtain wall transparent LED screen, atd. all LED display screen products are mass production, with ultra-high cost performance advantages.

Huaze has always focused on the R & D and production of LED full-color display, and constantly pays attention to the quality and innovation of products. We have successively developed a variety of LED special-shaped screens to meet the market demand, and achieved remarkable results in the field of traffic wireless solutions. Ve stejnou dobu, the products have passed the EMC certification of TUV laboratory in Germany, en12966 certification in Europe, ETL certification in North America, and other ISO9001:2008, ISO14001:2004, CCC, CE, FCC, ROHS certification, atd.

Which led display screen is good? There is no mistake in choosing LED display factory. LED display factory is not only good in foundation, but also stronger in strength. There are more classic cases, especially the LED time tunnel screen, which has become one of theInternet redclock in places, and has introduced a lot of traffic. LED display factory is not only this project, the details can consult professional staff!

3D trojrozměrný LED displej pouhým okem přichází

3D led displeje

Uvádí se, že podnik na periferii společnosti přidat “LED displej” k dosažení 3D trojrozměrného, na výběr je LED venkovní plnobarevný displej. Může hrát roli nejen v propagaci, ale také přilákat zákazníky, což odráží sílu společnosti. Pojďme se podívat, co je černá technologie a jak děsí kolemjdoucí!

já. černá technologie LED displej

LED je zkratka pro světlo emitující diodu (VEDENÝ). Jedná se o zobrazovací režim ovládání polovodičové světelné diody buzením IC konstantním proudem, a zobrazování různých barev řízením změny jasu tří kuliček primární barvy lampy. Displej slouží k zobrazení textu, grafika, snímky, animace, trh, video, video signál a další informace.

3D led displeje

II. Výstava efektu černé techniky

Ze strany, je to stále reálné. Celá obrazovka automaticky upraví jas podle pohybu slunce, tak, aby nezpůsobovaly zrakové potíže procházejícím chodcům a vozidlům. Poté, co se na to chvíli díval, Opravdu jsem se bál, že “voda” by rozbil sklo. Věřím, že na scéně musí být hlubší zážitek.

Použití LED obrazovky není jen a 3D LED displej s trojrozměrným smyslem, jako nyní nejpopulárnější LED obrazovka s časovým tunelem, přitahuje mnoho zákazníků a přináší velkou návštěvnost. Reklamní obrazovka LED obrazovky je nejpoužívanější, který hraje roli osvětlení a inovace, a také hraje roli dekorace pro obchod. Nejdůležitější je zvýšit popularitu a proudit k sobě.

Cena LED reklamní obrazovky od předního výrobce LED displejů

high definition led walll (1)

LED advertising screen application is very many, not only we often see large screen advertising, but also jewelry store led transparent screen, roadside LED display. There are many ways to advertise, LED advertising screen only has the most potential, especially the LED time tunnel screen, which brings a lot of traffic to businesses. The prices of various LED advertising screens are also different. Relatively speaking, the cost of LED display screen manufacturers is relatively low. Let’s talk about LED display screen!

high definition led walll (1)

já. from the color: single color, two color, three color (plná barva) led display screen:

(1) monochrome means that the display screen has only one color of luminous material, mostly single red.

(2) the dual color screen is generally composed of red and green LED diodes.

(3) three color (plná barva) obrazovka, consisting of red, zelená (wavelength 570nm) a modrá; and true color, consisting of red, pure green (wavelength 525nm), a modrá.

2. According to the environment: indoor, outdoor and semi outdoor LED displays:

(1) the semi open air curtain has high brightness between indoor and outdoor, and can be used outdoors in the sunshine. The screen body is sealed, and it is usually on the roof or window.

(2) the indoor screen area is generally small (more than ten square meters), and the point density is high. In direct sunlight or environmental lighting, the viewing distance is several meters away. Because it is indoor, the screen can not have the function of sealing and waterproof without outdoor. The dot matrix module of indoor display screen is the main module, because the brightness requirement of indoor display is not high;

(3) the outdoor display screen has a small area of dozens of square meters, a large area of hundreds of square meters or even thousands of square meters. The point density is relatively thin (mostly 1000-4000 points per square meter). The luminous brightness is 3000-6000cd / m2 (different orientation, different brightness requirements). In direct sunlight conditions, the viewing distance is tens of meters. Because it is outdoor, waterproof box must be used, It has a good anti wind, rain and lightning protection capability on the screen.

LED advertising screen is the LED outdoor full-color display screen, the income is very good, can attract a lot of traffic. If you are interested, please consult the LED display manufacturer to understand the outdoor full-color LED display screen, size and area, precautions and LED advertising screen price.

How much is the LED display screen in general!

high definition led walll (2)

LED display can be used in many places. The most common one is all kinds of advertisement screens, especially the advertisements on buildings and the jewelry displayed in jewelry stores. LED display screen advertising is very good-looking, can attract more customers, bring traffic, thus increasing sales performance. Many businesses want to make a beautiful advertisement, that is, they don’t know how much the LED display screen generally costs? LED display factory talk about the price of LED display screen!

high definition led walll (2)

How much is the LED display?

The price of LED display screen is very difficult to determine. The price of different models and products varies greatly. Například, the size of LED time tunnel screen and LED advertising screen are different, and the application scenarios are also different. Various configurations are very different, and the final cost is also different.

Druhý, take a look at the size of LED display screen

Indoor small space LED display screen types P1.2, P1.5, P1.6, P1,875, p1.9, p1.923, P2; indoor LED display screen with regular p2.5, P3, P4, P5, P6, p7.62, P10, p12.5; outdoor LED display screen P4, P5, P6, P8, P10, str. 16; indoor and outdoor rental LED display screen series p3.91, p4.81, p5.95, p6.25, p6.67; Before the module maintenance led display screen P8, P10, str. 16, interactive LED floor tile screen: p3.91, p4.81, p5.2, p5.95, p6.25, transparent LED screen, window transparent screen, glass curtain wall transparent LED screen, atd. all LED display screen products are mass production, with ultra-high cost performance advantages.

How much is the price of LED display? See what kind of LED display you need, and get the final price of LED display after professional evaluation. nicméně, as a LED display manufacturer, the price of LED display screen factory is much cheaper than that of others, and the quality is guaranteed. It is equipped with professional after-sales service personnel. For details, please consult the LED display factory staff!

Led transparent screen how much money a square?

transparent led wall

With the continuous development of science and technology, LED display screen has been used in various places, which has brought a lot of popularity for businesses. In particular, now a more prominent led transparent screen, by the major jewelry merchants competing, the perfect display of jewelry luxury, to the merchants brought traffic, to the LED display market brought new vitality. Today, let’s talk about how much a square led transparent screen costs? LED display factory to explain to you!

já. led transparent screen Market

In the application of new retail scene, led transparent screen is the most successful case in retail scene. As an international well-known brand, UNIQLO has been making use of LED large screen to open up different new retail roads. It is convenient for consumers to purchase their favorite products more quickly by displaying the commodity display in retail stores, focusing on the promotion of commodities and store promotion information At the same time, led transparent screen also has a novel and unique display effect, its picture is like suspended on the glass curtain wall, and this playback mode can save more than 30% energy than the conventional LED display screen, which can greatly reduce light pollution and reduce energy consumption.

How much is the transparent LED screen per square meter

transparent led wall

We usually say how much a square led transparent screen, refers to the cost of screen duplication, generally more expensive than conventional screen. Ve skutečnosti, transparent LED display price system components: screen price, main control box, aviation box, installation accessories.

1: the price of transparent LED screen takes up more than 60% of the total investment of the project. The LED screen is composed of modules, zdroj napájení, box and power cable.

2: the control system, mainly the main control box, sends signals to each screen to make each pixel under control

3. Installation accessories: computer (desktop computer), power distribution cabinet, audio amplifier (volitelný), video procesor (volitelný), atd.

4. Air case: the main function is more convenient packaging and transportation

3. Characteristics of LED transparent screen

1. It has a high perspective, which ensures the lighting requirements and perspective range of floor, glass curtain wall, window and other lighting structures. To ensure the original lighting and perspective function of glass curtain wall.

2. It does not take up space. The thickness of the main board is only 10 mm, and the weight of the display screen is only 12 kg / m2. It is directly pasted on the glass curtain wall without changing the building structure.

3. There is no need for steel frame structure, which saves a lot of installation and maintenance costs, and indoor installation and maintenance is simple.

4. Unique display effect, because the display background is transparent, it can make the advertising picture float on the glass curtain wall, which has good advertising effect and artistic effect.

How much is the transparent LED screen? For the specific price, you can consult the LED display manufacturer LED display factory. Its products include indoor and outdoor rental LED display series p3.91, p4.81; LED floor tile screen, led glass trestle screen, led time tunnel screen, LED screen, sky screen and other LED electronic displays. All LED display products are large-scale production, with ultra-high cost performance advantages.

What is the meaning of LED screen pixels.

high definition led walll (3)

LED screen can be seen everywhere in our life, and we often hear the saying ofP few”. What does LED screen mean? Today, LED display screen factory will give you popular science.

high definition led walll (3)

LED screen P, English is point, is the meaning ofpoint”, what is the meaning of LED screen p? It refers to the distance between the midpoint of two light beads. Například, LED screen P2 is the distance between two light beads is 2mm, P3 is the distance between two light beads is 3mm. If extended, LED screen P2 is more suitable for viewing, and the distance is 2 metrů. If viewed from 1 meter place, the effect is not very good. Similarly, LED screen P10, the distance between two light beads is 10 mm, especially when viewing from 10 metrů daleko. I believe you already know what the LED screen means.

Navíc, it should be noted that the smaller the number of P on the LED screen is, the clearer it is, of course, the more expensive it is. That is to say, in principle, the LED screen P2 should be clearer than the LED screen P10, and the price should be expensive. Is that the clearer the better, the more expensive the better? Ne, it depends on your needs and viewing distance.

When it comes to the meaning of LED screen P, LED display factory will give people science popularization, LED screen is divided into indoor and outdoor, general models are p1.25, p1.56, p1.667, P1,875, P2, p2.5, P3, P4, P5, P6, P8, P10, atd. As for which model to choose, it depends on your budget, demand and viewing distance. Ask professional engineers to get professional answers.

Navíc, we need to remind you that led screen is a big project with high cost, complex structure and long service cycle, which involves the strength of product manufacturers, product quality, price, construction, after-sales, atd. we should not only compare the prices, but also comprehensively compare the above mentioned aspects. Po všem, we can get the goods and services according to the money.

We know what the LED screen P means, or can not choose their own! We must make a comprehensive comparison and choose the best!

LED screen P what is the meaning, first introduced here, if you have any questions, welcome to consult LED display factory at any time.

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