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Updated news about large led video wall displays from indoor stage rental displays to small pixel pitch high definition led display walls. Stay in tune!

Карактеристике оглашавања на отвореном ЛЕД дисплеју

In today’s media society, images have gradually replaced words and become a social necessity of living vividly. As a new media advertising form, LED advertising also relies on visual images to spread information and attract audience’s purchase desire through image expression.

For different customer groups, advertisers can put LED display screen with appropriate area in different space to maximize the communication effect of advertising, which makes the visual communication form of LED advertising become rich and colorful.

Compared with other advertising methods, outdoor LED display has many excellent performances.

Superior location

Тхе LED advertising screen is usually located in a crowded area. Large size and gorgeous pictures can create a stronger visual impact. In the era of information explosion, this unique form of realization is often easier to stand out from the overwhelming advertising, effectively realize the information communication with the audience, and achieve the purpose of brand image and public information dissemination. [LED full color display screen]

As outdoor advertising is usually located in the busy road section with huge traffic flow, it is regarded as an important means of enterprise brand and image publicity by many businesses.

Међутим, with the promotion of high-definition and 4K technologies, the definition of outdoor display screen is constantly improved, which can provide larger size options. This makes the position of LED display in outdoor advertising industry is increasingly recognized by the market.

Information is available 24 hours a day

LED display screen has its own energy-saving and environmental protection features, and can support the 24-hour uninterrupted broadcast of information dissemination needs. Moreover, it has excellent performance of waterproof, lightning protection and anti-seismic, which can meet the application requirements of harsh outdoor environment. With its high brightness performance, the display effect is not easy to be affected by the environment, so it can ensure the effect of outdoor communication.

It can be used as a display window of city image

Додатно, compared with TV advertisement, outdoor LED screen can also broadcast public welfare content such as city propaganda film, so it is not easy to be disgusted by the audience, and its acceptance rate is significantly higher than that of traditional TV advertisement.

At the same time, it can beautify the city image, enrich people’s spare time life, and become the display window of brand image and city image.

LED advertising screen has become one of the fastest growing markets in the global advertising industry. It has become the first advertisement in Asia. This huge business opportunity has attracted worldwide attention.

избор ЛЕД екрана у великим хотелима и супермаркетима

Сада, све више ЛЕД дисплеја улази у унутрашњост, посебно у великим хотелима и супермаркетима. Тако велики

У затвореном окружењу, тхе велики дисплеј у пуној боји платно са површином већом од 5м2 углавном укључује обичну задњу пројекцију, ДЛП (дигитална задња пројекција са течним кристалима) и ЛЕД дисплеј

На екрану су три опције.

екрани за позадину пројекције имају предности малих пиксела и високе дефиниције, док су недостаци мала осветљеност, мали угао гледања и кратак век трајања лампе сочива (само неколико хиљада)

Сати). Предности плазма спајања су и мали пиксели, висока дефиниција, недостатак је што постоји шав, минимални шав може бити до 1 мм.

Задња пројекција и плазма дисплеј су погодни за гледање изблиза.

&Предности ЛЕД екрана су висока осветљеност и без шавова. Недостатак је што су честице пиксела грубе и што је дефиниција ниска. Цоммерциал индоор

Највећа густина ЛЕД дисплеја у боји је П4, то је 62500 пиксела / м2. ЛЕД екран је погодан за гледање затворених места са велике удаљености.

при избору ЛЕД унутрашњег екрана, треба узети у обзир следеће аспекте. [Произвођач ЛЕД дисплеја]

① стварни пиксели и виртуелни пиксели. Као на отвореном екрану у пуној боји, број пиксела унутрашњег екрана у пуној боји је такође подељен на стварне и виртуелне пикселе.

② умрети. Као и код спољашњег екрана у пуној боји, генерално се препоручује да плава цев и зелена цев унутрашњег екрана у пуној боји треба да усвоје језгро СЛМ-а, и треба користити црвену цев

Језгро цеви Гуанглеи или Гуангјиа. Препоручљиво је користити Ниппон и Црее за врхунске производе.

③ образац пакета. ЛЕД површински облици унутрашњег ЛЕД дисплеја у пуној боји укључују једну лампу, подповршинска налепница, површинска налепница три у једном и површинска налепница три у једном

Неколико, изглед није исти. Предности пакета за површинску монтажу су велики угао гледања, добра светлећа конзистенција и лака аутоматска обрада заваривања. То је ЛЕД у пуној боји

Екран маинстреам производа, али сада је цена релативно висока; једноструки светлосни угао гледања је релативно мали, осветљеност је нешто већа, цена је нижа. заправо, подповршински стуб је такође једнострук

Нека врста лампе. И појединачна лампа и налепница на површини су релативно јефтини и прелазни су производ.

④ густина. Због велике топлотне снаге унутрашњег ЛЕД чипа у пуној боји и велике густине контролног кола, густина спотова комерцијалног екрана у пуној боји је сада веома висока

Не можемо то да урадимо баш добро. Ту су углавном П5, П6, п7.62, К8, П10 лед екран.и тако даље.

⑤ режим вожње. Режим вожње унутрашњег ЛЕД екрана у пуној боји је погон константне струје и динамички режим скенирања (углавном 1 / 4, 1 / 8)

И тако даље). У случају исте умријети, коло које се користи за квартално скенирање је више и осветљеност је већа.

три развојна тренда надоградње ЛЕД дисплеја

The upgrade of LED display can be divided into two aspects: Најпре, the original LED display panel products have reached the service life. Affected by the LED light attenuation, the life of the original LED display screen is generally about five years. And the past five years, can be said to be the golden five years of China’s LED display, LED display in advertising, фаза, stadiums and other applications have been greatly popular. Стога, in the next few years, there will be a large number of LED display panels to be replaced, which will undoubtedly bring great economic benefits to enterprises.

Secondly, it is new technology. New products replace traditional products.

Up to now, there are three development trends in the industry, which are worthy of enterprise’s attention

Најпре, it is the trend of full-color LED display replacing single and two-color.

In the LED screen market, led full-color display has become the mainstream product in the market, but in the LED screen market represented by the door screen, it is still the world of single and double color products. Међутим, with the progress of technology and the decrease of cost, the front screen market, as the last line of defense for single and double color products, is about to be broken by full-color LED display. [LED full color display screen]

заправо, as early as 2011, enterprises began to produce P20 full-color front screen. Later, more sophisticated p16 products appeared. Међутим, due to the large spacing, the display effect is very harsh for ordinary stores. Додатно, the high cost makes it difficult to promote. Objectively speaking, the current full-color door screen has not really shaken the position of single and double color in the door screen market. Први, the price is high, and the second is that the use is not as simple as single and double color, and the maintenance cost of manufacturers is relatively high.

Secondly, it is the trend of high-density LED display replacing low-density products.

With the progress of upstream chip and packaging technology, the spacing of LED display screen will decrease by 1 ~ 2 mm every year. Take outdoor LED display screen as an example. The mainstream product of the industry was P10 before. Now it has reached P8 and P6, and even some enterprises have developed P3 outdoor surface mounted LED display.

In this trend, SMD surface mount products begin to replace plug-in products with the advantages of display performance, and gradually become the future development direction of outdoor display screen. Међутим, we also see that in the face of the challenge of surface mounting, the more mature technology of in-line display is not waiting to die. Using 246 lamp beads with smaller radius, we can also achieve outdoor LED display with P6 spacing. [велики електронски екран]

Додатно, it is worth mentioning that through the improvement of the in-line insertion technology, the three RGB chips are sealed into one in-line lamp, and the outdoor three in one plug-in product is developed. Using this packaging method, the in-line LED display can achieve smaller density without changing the production process, and it is very competitive in price.

Third, тхе large spacing LED display is recognized by the outdoor lighting market, which has great market potential to replace the traditional digital tube.

With the rise of small space indoor LED display screen, the large area LED photoelectric curtain wall used for outdoor building lighting also brings new growth space for the industry. It is understood that LED photoelectric curtain wall is composed of a large number of large spacing light bar screens, which are mainly used in the whole wall and roof of benchmark buildings in the center of the city, and the orders for a project are not expensive. For advertising operators, large LED display area can bring higher advertising revenue, because advertisers tend to put in larger media.

To sum up, the upgrading of LED display will bring new growth power to the industry. LED advertising machine and led small space display screen will open up new market for the industry. [manufacturer of LED electronic display screen]

Фактори који утичу на век трајања ЛЕД дисплеја у пуној боји.

There are internal and external factors that affect the life of LED full-color display screen. The internal factors include the performance of peripheral components, the performance of LED light-emitting devices, the anti fatigue performance of products; the internal factors include the working environment of LED display screen, итд. In addition to LED light emitting devices, LED display screen also uses many other peripheral components, including circuit board, plastic shell, switching power supply, connector, case, итд. any problem of any part may lead to the decrease of display life. Стога, the longest life of the display screen is determined by the life of the key component with the shortest life. На пример, ЛЕД, switching power supply and metal shell are selected according to the 8-year standard, while the protective process performance of the circuit board can only support its work for 3 године. After 3 године, it will be damaged due to corrosion, so we can only get a 3-year-old display screen.

2. The influence of LED light-emitting device performance

LED light-emitting device is the most critical and life-related component of display screen. For LED, the main indicators are as follows: attenuation characteristics, water vapor permeability characteristics, anti ultraviolet performance. If the Произвођач ЛЕД дисплеја fails to evaluate the performance of LED devices, it will be applied to the display screen, which will lead to a large number of quality accidents and seriously affect the life of LED display screen. [велики електронски екран]

3. The anti fatigue performance of the product affects the fatigue resistance of the product, which depends on the production process. It is difficult to guarantee the anti fatigue performance of the module produced by the poor three prevention treatment process. When the temperature and humidity change, cracks will appear on the protection surface of the circuit board, leading to the decline of the protection performance.

дакле, the production process of LED display screen is also the key factor to determine the display life. The production process involved in the production of display screen includes: storage and pretreatment process of components, furnace welding process, three prevention treatment process, waterproof sealing process, итд. The effectiveness of the process is related to material selection and proportioning, parameter control and operator quality. For most LED display manufacturers, the accumulation of experience is very important. A factory with many years of experience will be more effective in controlling the production process.

4. The influence of working environment

the working conditions of display screen vary greatly due to different uses. From the environmental point of view, the indoor temperature difference is small, without the influence of rain, snow and ultraviolet rays; the maximum temperature difference outside can reach 70 степени, plus wind, sun and rain. Harsh environment will aggravate the aging of display screen, and the working environment is an important factor affecting the life of display screen. [Произвођач ЛЕД дисплеја] the service life of

we say that led life determines the life of the display screen, but it does not mean that the LED life is equal to the display life. Because the display screen is not working at full load all the time, the life of the display screen should be 6-10 times longer than that of the LED under the normal condition of playing video programs. When the LED works under the condition of small current, the life of the LED can be longer. Стога, the lifetime of the display screen with this brand of LED can reach about 50000 сати. [Шенжен ЛЕД екран цена]

Узроци неконтролисаног пиксела за ЛЕД екран у пуној боји

Постоји много разлога зашто пиксели на ЛЕД електронском екрану нису контролисани, а најважнији разлог је “водио неуспех”. Главни узроци квара ЛЕД-а могу се поделити на два аспекта: један је лош квалитет саме ЛЕД диоде; други је неправилна употреба ЛЕД-а. Кроз анализу, закључујемо одговарајући однос између режима квара ЛЕД-а и горња два главна фактора.

Што је горе поменуто, многи кварови ЛЕД диода се не могу наћи у редовној инспекцији и тестирању ЛЕД диода. Поред неправилне употребе електростатичког пражњења, велика струја (што резултира високом температуром споја), спољна снага и друга неправилна употреба, многи кварови леда су узроковани разликом коефицијента термичког ширења ЛЕД чипа, епокси смола, заграда, унутрашње олово, чврсти кристални лепак, ППА шоља и други материјали под високом температуром, ниске температуре, брза промена температуре или други оштри услови Веома је сложен посао откривања квалитета производа.

у наставку, за ЛЕД диоде на бази ГаН, електростатичко пражњење је највећи узрок квара. Механизам од Проблем са ЛЕД екраном изазвана електростатичким пражњењем је веома сложена. Опрема, алата, прибор и људско тело могу да носе статички електрицитет и да га испразне. Статички електрицитет је стотинама волти мањи, десетине хиљада волти високих, а време пражњења је на нивоу наносекунде. Квар плаво-зелене цеви у производњи, Инсталација и употреба екрана често је узрокована електростатичким пражњењем лед-пн споја.

Међународно електростатичко удружење стриктно прописује стандардне ЕСД режиме, који се углавном деле на режим пражњења људског тела (ХБМ) и режим пражњења машине (мм). ЕСД осетљивост (ЕСДс) уређаја у Кини могу се поделити на три нивоа (људски начин): Ниво 1 је 0-1999в; Ниво 2 је 2000-3999в; Ниво 3 је изнад 4000В.

Генерално, ЕСД осетљивост ЛЕД-а је у опсегу од стотина до десетина хиљада волти у људском режиму, али само десетице до 500 волти у машинском режиму. Због компликованог процеса производње ЛЕД екрана, тешко је спречити ЕСД. Стога, осетљивост ЛЕД ЕСД треба да буде 2 или изнад (режим људског тела), а електростатичка заштита мора да пролази кроз цео производни процес. [Произвођач ЛЕД дисплеја]

Индекс ЛЕД екрана у пуној боји са високим перформансама.

With the development of LED full-color display technology, uniformity has become the most important indicator to measure the quality of display screen. It is often said that led displaylittle bit brilliant, piece brilliant”, is a kind of image metaphor of serious uneven between pixels and led display modules. The professional terms aredust effect” и “mosaic phenomenon”.

the insufficient assembly accuracy of display screen in the process of production and installation; the inconsistency of electrical parameters of other electronic components; the nonstandard design of modules and PCB. in whichinconsistency of various performance parameters of LEDis the main reason. The inconsistency of these performance parameters mainly includes: the light intensity is inconsistent, the optical axis is inconsistent, the color coordinate is inconsistent, the light intensity distribution curve of each primary color is inconsistent, and the attenuation characteristics are inconsistent. Сада, there are two main technical approaches to solve the inconsistency of LED performance parameters: one is to further subdivide the LED specifications and parameters to improve the consistency of LED performance parameters; the other is to improve the uniformity of display screen through subsequent correction.

also developed from early module correction and module correction to today’s point by point correction. The correction technology has developed from simple intensity correction to intensity color coordinate correction. Међутим, we believe that the subsequent correction is not omnipotent. Among them, the inconsistency of optical axis, light intensity distribution curve, attenuation characteristics, poor assembly accuracy and nonstandard design can not be eliminated by subsequent correction, and even the inconsistency in optical axis, attenuation and assembly accuracy will be worsened.
large outdoor display screen therefore, through practice, we have come to the conclusion that the follow-up correction is only the treatment of the surface, and the subdivision of LED parameters is the root cause, which is the mainstream of the LED display industry in the future.

however, when it comes to the relationship between display uniformity and clarity, there is often a misunderstanding in the industry, то је, to replace the definition with resolution. заправо, the definition of the display screen is the subjective feeling of the human eye on the screen resolution, uniformity (signal-to-noise ratio), осветљеност, contrast and other factors.

simply reducing the physical pixel spacing to improve the resolution, while ignoring the uniformity, is no doubt to improve the clarity. Imagine a display screen with seriousdust effect” и “mosaic phenomenon”. Even if its physical pixel spacing is smaller and the resolution is higher, it is impossible to get a good image definition. Стога, in a sense, the main reason for improving the clarity of LED full-color displays isuniformityrather thanphysical pixel spacing”.

The relationship between LED video processor and LED display screen

In the era of LED display screen, video processor not only carries a lot of work such as image processing and analysis, coding and decoding compression, but also embeds a large number of intelligent analysis algorithms to analyze massive data. Due to the influence of regional weather, the outdoor LED display screen is different from night and day, and the sunny day is different from rainy day. How can led display perfect picture with the change of weather; This requires the video processor to have more excellent image quality improvement ability, with advanced image scaling processing algorithm, to ensure that the video image after scaling processing, the maximum degree of image clarity and gray level. Додатно, the video processor is also required to have rich image adjustment options and adjustment effects to process image brightness, contrast and gray to ensure soft and clear screen output. The function of the LED video processor is to convert the image signal from the outside into the signal that the LED display can accept. The advantages and disadvantages of LED video processor directly affect the display effect of LED display screen.

How does LED video processor complete the perfect display of LED display? It mainly includes the following points:

1、 Multi image processing, in many special scenes, a display screen needs to display multiple pictures with the same or different signals. The video processor with multi image processing function can flexibly meet such display requirements.
2. Picture zooming, the display mode of LED display screen is point-to-point, which determines that the LED display can only display the picture consistent with its own physical resolution. LED video processor can zoom the image, output the picture in any size, and map the whole desktop to the LED screen. [Произвођач ЛЕД дисплеја] signal conversion and switching, video processing equipment can complete the format conversion between many signals. Another important function of video processor is to manage all kinds of signals when there are multi-channel signals, and switch between them flexibly.
4. Large screen splicing, the point spacing of LED display screen is becoming smaller and smaller, and the overall size is becoming more and more huge, which makes the physical resolution of LED screen become very large. LED video processor has splicing function and can drive large resolution screen, which is a very cost-effective driving mode.

5. Image quality is improved, because the pixel spacing of LED display screen is much larger than that of other flat panel display media, so there are strict requirements for image processing technology, especially image enhancement technology. High quality LED video processor can use advanced algorithms to modify the signal with poor image quality, perform a series of processing such as de interlacing, edge sharpening, motion compensation, итд., to enhance the details of the image and improve the image quality. [велики електронски екран]

precautions for software operation of LED full color display screen

The LED full-color display screen is controlled and displayed by software. Wrong operation may affect the effect and life of LED full-color display screen. Today, I’d like to tell you something about the operation of LED full color display software. I hope it will help you to use it correctly.

Прво, the software should be backed up as much as possible: win7, WINXP, application program, software installation program, database, итд. In order to avoid data loss caused by wrong operation. It is suggested to useone key restoresoftware in the client of LED full color display screen, which is easy to operate;

Before operation, be familiar with the installation method of LED display software as much as possible, including original data recovery and backup; [LED full color screen manufacturer]

(3) master the setting of software control parameters and the modification of basic data preset;

After that, they will be able to skillfully use programs, operations and editing skills;

(5)check software and computer for virus intrusion from time to time, and delete irrelevant data

(6) minimize the use of software by part-time personnel.

If you know the operation precautions of LED full-color display software, you can use LED display correctly. Our company specializes in producing LED full-color display, LED large screen, led full-color display screen. If there is anything you don’t understand, молимо Вас да нас контактирате. We will help you solve the problem wholeheartedly.

Precautions for using LED electronic display

P3 indoor display board

LED electronic display screen is the most widely used advertising display tool, and its advantages of energy saving and environmental protection are widely recognized and favored by customers. But recently, we often see some people say that led display screen is prone to bad points and short service life.

In order to reduce the damage of LED display screen, I summarized some precautions in the LED display use, hoping to help you.

Switching sequence of LED electronic display screen:

When you turn on the screen, you should first turn on and then turn on the screen; when you turn off the screen, you should first turn off the screen and then turn it off. На овај начин, it can prevent LED large screen from appearing high bright spot, burning diode and bad point in case of power on;

2. When the screen is switched on and off for many times, the time interval should be at least 5 minutes to 10 minutes to prevent the diode from burning out in a short time

Third, try to turn on the LED display screen after the computer enters the engineering control software. Reduce working time and prolong service life;

Fourth, try to avoid opening the display screen under the pure white screen to prevent the impact of large current in a short time on the display screen;

5. Pay close attention to the temperature change, reduce the working time when the temperature is high;

If the power switch of the display screen often trips, in order to ensure the safety of the display screen, it should be turned off first and then checked.

The above six points are the precautions in the use of LED electronic display, as long as you pay attention to it.

Details for the installation of LED full color display screen

indoor outdoor led video wall manufacturer (7)

Before the LED display screen is installed, in addition to checking the correctness of the connection, то је, checking the positive connection between the strong current part and the signal connection.

In addition to accuracy, check the integrity of computer software installation, including the installation of graphics card and control software. But many LED display manufacturers are in

When installing the LED display screen, it only checked the wiring problem, but ignored some other problems. After years of summary, installing the LED display screen

We should pay attention to the following problems:

1. Follow the operation steps in the user’s manual;

2. The power supply should meet the requirements. The power supply voltage of LED display екран: 220V ± 10%

Frequency: 50 Hz ± 5%

safe ground contact, reliable isolation between ground wire and zero line, and access to power supply far away from high-power electrical equipment. The ambient temperature of LED should be less than or equal to 60 степени; 4. Moisture proof, humidity requirements: the maximum working temperature, LED display screen should be less than the relative humidity of 92%.

outdoor indoor LED display technology requirements brightness is an important indicator of LED display, LED display brightness mainly depends on the LED light

Intensity and arrangement density of LED on LED display. According to the standard SJ / t11141-2003 of the Ministry of information industry, the brightness is defined as the luminous intensity per unit area of LED display. The angle of view is the direction of observation

When the brightness drops to half of the brightness in the normal direction of the LED display screen, the angle between the two observation directions and the normal direction on the same plane is divided into horizontal

Perspective and vertical perspective. The display colors of

have single primary color, double primary color and full color, and the use environment has two types: indoor LED display screen and outdoor LED display screen,

There are also differences in the selection and requirements of parameters. The brightness of indoor full-color LED display screen should be more than 800cd / м2, and the brightness of outdoor LED display screen should be above 800 ЦД / м2

Only 5000cd / m2 can ensure the normal image brightness when the display screen works.

The use of current expansion layer technology and technology stability and maturity, so that the LED luminous efficiency has been greatly improved. Сада, most of the outdoor full-color LED displays can have a horizontal viewing angle greater than 120 degrees and a vertical viewing angle greater than 50 степени

When the white balance brightness of color LED display is more than 7500cd / m2 and the pixel spacing is 20 мм, the white balance brightness of full-color LED display can reach 6000 ЦД / м2

Above, the display can work all day in any environment.

LED display can be used in different occasions, so there are extremely strict installation requirements for LED display screen. The main safety indicators specified in the standard are

Grounding, earth leakage current, electrical strength, temperature rise four indicators. The installation requirements of outdoor full-color LED display screen are higher than that of indoor full-color LED display screen,

The requirements of indoor LED display screen for environmental adaptability are low, while that for outdoor LED display screen is much higher. The installation of

full color LED display screen should be installed under the guidance of professional engineers and operated in strict accordance with the field environment requirements of outdoor and indoor full-color LED display,

Prevent the screen from accidental damage, and ensure the property safety and use interests of customers.

three roadblocks for the development of LED full color video display

indoor outdoor led video wall manufacturer (8)

The development scale of LED full-color display screen is becoming larger and larger, and more and more led wall manufacturers have joined the LED product army, but do not know the majority of LED products

Have friends found the development obstacles of LED products? Today, I’d like to give you a brief introduction to the problems that may be encountered in the development of three LEDs.

roadblock 1: low profit and high investment

under the pressure of power shortage and high operating cost, the profit and added value of LED large screen almost fell to the freezing point. Coupled with national energy conservation and emission reduction, green culture

Ming’s call makes the already difficult LED screen even worse. LED large screen needs to open up apioneerfrom the standard model to the value type

To deal with the future development of outdoor advertising variables.

roadblock 2: the media value is gradually lost.

because the location of LED screen is often thegolden areaof urban prosperity, take the world trade tower, contemporary shopping mall and Haidian Theater in Beijing as examples

It is located in a busy area with more people in Beijing. Стога, there is no problem in the early stage of investment promotion, and advertisers are very willing to launch it, so they blindly follow suit,

In the era of group buying, the number of advertisers has increased rapidly. For operators, this is what they want to see;

The more households, the more profits.

however, for advertisers, the more advertisers, it means that the less time a single advertisement will play in a limited period of time, thus affecting the

Advertising effect, it is likely that before the completion of a cycle of advertising, the audience has left, and the significance of advertising will be greatly reduced.

in view of the poor advertising effect, the rational return began in the later stage, and then preferred to choose print media rather than LED video media. Continuous flow of customers

Loss, advertising space will then oversupply, for LED large screen operators, to maintain operating costs, it is necessary to increase the price of advertising, once advertising

Price, even the remaining 30-40% of the customers also began to shake. The continuous loss of customers is not only led outdoor large screen media, but also any kind of media,

Its value is out of the question. This is why most of the LED outdoor large screen you see is in the business promotion of circular operators

The reason for advertising or public service advertising.

roadblock 3: huge energy consumption

In the heat. LED large screen in the power consumption is very large, for a long time, the traditional LED screen in energy consumption has not made a substantial breakthrough.

Under the haze of electricity shortage, how to deal with the era of LED large screen? In the outdoor media advocatinglow consumption and high efficiency, beautifying greening”, high energy consumption LED large screen finally

What’s the future?

the strong power consumption makes the talk of high energy consumption LED large screen industry pale. In some areas, in order to give priority to the protection of residential electricity consumption, some areas have carried out power transfer and power restriction

measures. The traditional LED screen with 400-600 watts per square meter of power consumption, plus several kilowatts of cooling air conditioning, is on the blacklist of power rationing and blacklisting

Beon the list.”. What’s more, from the gradual withdrawal of incandescent lamps from the market, it can be seen that high-energy consumption products will eventually be difficult to maintain in today’s low-carbon and environmental protection.

Once upon a time, incandescent lamp was in the field of lighting, but with the advent of new energy-saving products such as LED, it gradually fell out of favor and finally withdrew from the market.

At the same time, LED large screen is at the height of the sun. Maybe one day, due to the shortage of electricity and energy consumption, it will be forced to withdraw from the market

the above three points will definitely become more and more obvious in the future development of LED. As a professional LED manufacturer, we should not only think about the development of enterprises

Exhibition, also should be ready to face all kinds of problems that may affect led full-color display. I hope our friends will become bigger and bigger. [large LED display

What are the maintenance tools for LED full color display?

indoor outdoor led video wall manufacturer (9)

If there is a problem with the screen. When we need to repair it, what can we do without tools? What tools do you need for LED display maintenance?

here’s to help you to introduce, further in-depth understanding of LED display powerful functions and maintenance programs, so that more quickly handle LED display

Common faults.

1, electric soldering iron + suction gun, soldering tin,

2, 5V regulated power supply, power supply for receiving card and maintenance module or unit board,

3, electric batch, for quick disassembly of module or unit board [LED full color screen manufacturer]

4. Computer + sending card for sending program

5. Receiving card + hub board for observing module or unit board failure phenomenon

6. A multimeter for detecting module or unit board specific faults; &Постоје 1 pair of tweezers, scissors and scissors each. With these tools, we can basically deal with the maintenance of the general LED display. Наравно, different problems need to be used

Different tools and methods, we must always accumulate good led maintenance tools. [велики електронски екран]

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