Monthly Archives: February 2022

Kif tieħu miżuri ta 'prevenzjoni tan-nar għal skrin trasparenti LED

Pannelli tal-wiri tal-fabbrika tal-iskrin mmexxija (3)

F'termini ta 'teknoloġija ta' prevenzjoni tan-nirien, led transparent screen mainly depends on the fire prevention raw materials and box process of transparent screen. Refractory raw materials include transparent screen inner wire, provvista ta 'enerġija, fireproof materials, plastic kit and other aspects: in most transparent screen applications, the larger the area, the greater the power consumption, and the higher the power on stability of the wire.
Among many wire rod products, the safety and stability of wire rod can be ensured only by adopting wire rod meeting the requirements of national standards. There are three requirements: the wire core is the conductive carrier of copper wire, the cross-sectional area tolerance of wire core is within the standard range, and the insulation and flame retardant performance of core-clad adhesive layer meet the standard. Compared with ordinary copper-clad aluminum wire core, the cross-sectional area of wire core is small, and the grade of insulation rubber is not enough, The charging performance is more stable and is not prone to short circuit.Pannelli tal-wiri tal-fabbrika tal-iskrin mmexxija (2)
UL certified power products are also the best choice for similar products. The effective conversion rate can ensure the safety and stability of power load, and can work normally under the hot external environment; 3. Another important component of LED transparent screen fireproof raw materials is plastic bag.
The plastic kit is mainly used as the material for the bottom shell of the unit module mask. The main raw material is flame retardant PC glass fiber material, which not only has flame retardant function, but also can be used for a long time at low temperature without deformation and embrittlement. Indoor materials will affect the fire prevention effect. The external configuration and design are also very important, but the external configuration mainly focuses on the surrounding heat dissipation.

Kif tagħżel ħajt tar-reklamar tal-wiri LED ta 'żift żgħir

ħajt tal-vidjo mmexxija flessibbli (3)

Meta tixtri displays LED, il-prekawzjonijiet għall-għażla ta 'wirjiet LED ta' spazjar żgħir: l-utenti għandhom jikkunsidraw l-ispiża tagħhom stess, domanda, ambitu tal-applikazzjoni u fatturi oħra. Qabel ma tixtri display LED ta 'spazjar żgħir, jiddeċiedi jekk int verament bżonn spazjar żgħir. Għandu jiġi deċiż skond is-sitwazzjoni attwali.ħajt tal-vidjo mmexxija flessibbli (3)
1、 Il-prerekwiżit huwa “luminożità baxxa u griż għoli”.
Bħala skrin LED ta 'spazjar żgħir tat-terminal tal-wiri, l-ewwel irridu niżguraw il-kumdità tal-vista, hekk meta tixtri, il-konsiderazzjoni primarja hija l-luminożità. Ir-riċerka rilevanti turi li bħala sors attiv, L-LED għandu d-doppju tal-luminożità tad-dawl passiv (proġettazzjoni u LCD) f'termini ta 'sensittività tal-għajnejn tal-bniedem. Sabiex l-għajnejn jidhru aktar komdi, the brightness range of small spacing LED screen can only be between 100cd m2 and 300cd .
2、 When choosing point spacing, we should pay attention to the balance ofeffect and skill
Ordinary LED screens want to get good visual effects. Some people can only see the sight distance and small spacing LED screens. Users can simply measure P2 through sight distance = sight distance . Pereżempju, the viewing distance of P2 small spacing LED screen is about 6m.
3、 Select the resolution and pay attention to the matching with the “apparat ta 'trażmissjoni tas-sinjal ta' quddiem”.
Iktar ma jkun żgħir l-ispazjar tat-tikek tal-iskrin LED ta 'spazjar baxx, iktar ma tkun għolja r-riżoluzzjoni, u iktar ma tkun għolja d-definizzjoni tal-immaġni. Fil-prattika, l-utenti jridu jibnu sistema tajba tal-wiri LED bi spazjar żgħir. Filwaqt li tagħti attenzjoni għar-riżoluzzjoni tal-iskrin innifsu, għandhom jikkunsidraw ukoll it-tqabbil mal-prodotti tat-trażmissjoni tas-sinjal front-end.

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