Our Products

HTL LED hija waħda mill-akbar fabbriki tal-ħajt tal-vidjow tal-wiri mmexxi f'R&D, manifattura, kummerċjalizzazzjoni u servizz ta 'prodotti tal-wiri LED. Jinsabu fiż-żona industrijali SKW, kisi 20,000 metri kwadri, we own independent purifying workshop, R&D ċentru, most advanced producing and inspection equipment.Focus on science & teknoloġija, energy-efficiency and excellent service for led display walls, HTL LED regards “science and technology innovation, protezzjoni ambjentali b'livell baxx ta' karbonju u dawl ambjentali” bħala l-għan permanenti għall-iżvilupp sostenibbli. Fil 2010, in pursuit of the high-speed development of the LED display industry and depending on abundant capital and rich industry resources, we made an expansion and entered HD small pixel pitch led video wall arena, now we have established our pioneer position in the led display screen industry both for rental led displays and fixed led walls. Looking to the future, we are confident to become your reliable led screen solution provider….

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our led screen factory