
HTL offers a turn-key solutions for various led display walls, our solutions ranges from indoor & outdoor advertising LED display, stage LED display, sport LED display, stadium perimeter LED display, event LED display, flexible LED display, various creative LED display such as ball, cube, cylinder, itd, TV station LED display, government LED display, subway LED display, taxi LED display, dancing floor LED display, energy saving LED display, and more.

rental led wallRental Stage LED Display

Rental LED display main issue is frequent, easy and fast installation, which we have always been researching sustainable solutions. As for rental cabinets, we specifically designed them to assure the moving purpose of the cabinets as well as stability of a structure for frequent, easy and fast installation.…

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Advertising Large Led Screen

Na današnjem trgu LED, veliki in majhni proizvajalci LED zaslonov se trudijo uvesti energetsko varčne LED zaslone, reči 50%, 55%, 60% ali celo 70% več konceptov varčevanja z energijo. Kateri je na koncu pravi prihranek energije? Varčevanje z energijo je bolj odvisno od izboljšav strojne in programske opreme določenega zaslona…

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Rešitev prozornega led zaslona

Transparentni LED zaslon lahko preprosto pritrdite na površino zavese, in ni treba spreminjati nobene zgradbe. Standardna velikost modula je preprosta in elegantna,Visoka stopnja preglednosti za sprednjo in zadnjo stran,Popolna osvetlitev, vizualno kot sanjarjenje 50% energije kot tradicionalni zaslon.

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Stadium Perimeter LED Display

Perimeter LED display is one of the most popular LED products series. The diverse play modes greatly enhance the value of commercial advertisement. With vivid and brilliant colors, perimeter demonstrates brand concept accurately….

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Mobile Truck Led Display

Rešitev LED oglaševalskega tovornjaka: smo kitajsko podjetje, namenjeno izdelavi LED zaslonov , in sorodni izdelki, kot so panoji za notranjo in zunanjo uporabo, kot tudi mobilne enote LED zaslonov, kot so reklamni tovornjaki, ali Prikolice. Naši izdelki so lahko hitro spredaj dostopni in odposlani po vsem svetu LED reklamni tovornjak

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LED High Resolution LED Display

Compared with traditional LED screens, the prominent feature of small-pitch LED screens is smaller dot pitch. In practical applications, the dot pitch is smaller,the physical density is more higher,and the more information capacity that can be displayed per unit area at a time….

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