
HTL offers a turn-key solutions for various led display walls, our solutions ranges from indoor & outdoor advertising LED display, stage LED display, sport LED display, stadium perimeter LED display, event LED display, flexible LED display, various creative LED display such as ball, cube, cylinder, وغيره, TV station LED display, government LED display, subway LED display, taxi LED display, dancing floor LED display, energy saving LED display, and more.

rental led wallRental Stage LED Display

Rental LED display main issue is frequent, easy and fast installation, which we have always been researching sustainable solutions. As for rental cabinets, we specifically designed them to assure the moving purpose of the cabinets as well as stability of a structure for frequent, easy and fast installation.…

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Advertising Large Led Screen

اڄڪلهه LED مارڪيٽ ۾, وڏا ۽ ننڍا ايل اي ڊي ڊسپلي ٺاهيندڙن کي توانائي جي بچت واري ايل اي ڊي ڊسپلي کي متعارف ڪرائڻ جي ڪوشش ڪري رهيا آهن, چوڻ 50%, 55%, 60% يا اڃا 70% وڌيڪ توانائي جي بچت جا تصور. جنهن جي آخر ۾ حقيقي توانائي جي بچت آهي? توانائي جي بچت بلڪه هڪ خاص ڊسپلي هارڊويئر ۽ سافٽ ويئر ٽيڪنالاجي بهتري تي ڀروسو آهي…

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شفاف ليڊ اسڪرين حل

شفاف LED ڊسپلي آساني سان پردي جي ڀت جي مٿاڇري تي مقرر ڪري سگهجي ٿو, ۽ ڪنهن به عمارت جي جوڙجڪ کي تبديل ڪرڻ جي ضرورت ناهي. معياري ماڊل سائيز سادي ۽ خوبصورت آهي,اڳيان ۽ پوئتي لاء اعلي شفافيت جي شرح,مڪمل روشني, بصري وانگر پوءِ خواب ڏسڻ 50% روايتي ڊسپلي جي ڀيٽ ۾ توانائي جي.

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Stadium Perimeter LED Display

Perimeter LED ڊسپلي سڀ کان مشهور LED مصنوعات جي سيريز مان هڪ آهي. مختلف راند جا طريقا تجارتي اشتهارن جي قيمت کي تمام گهڻو وڌائين ٿا. روشن ۽ شاندار رنگن سان, perimeter صحيح طور تي برانڊ تصور ڏيکاري ٿو….

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Mobile Truck Led Display

LED Advertising Truck Solution: we are a China company dedicated to the manufacture of LED screens , and related products, such as billboards for indoor and outdoor, as well as LED Screens mobile units like advertising trucks, or Trailers. Our products can be fast front access and shipped Worldwide LED advertising truck

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LED High Resolution LED Display

Compared with traditional LED screens, the prominent feature of small-pitch LED screens is smaller dot pitch. In practical applications, the dot pitch is smaller,the physical density is more higher,and the more information capacity that can be displayed per unit area at a time….

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