Светодиодная видеостена с малым шагом пикселя P1,25 проходит возрастные испытания в нашей мастерской.

светодиодный дисплей с малым шагом пикселя (1)

32 Светодиодные видеодисплеи m2 P1.25 HD проходят возрастное тестирование, и они будут упакованы и отправлены в Таиланд на следующей неделе..

P1.25 Светодиодный экран с малым шагом пикселя

Высокоточная литая алюминиевая панель 400X300

Высокоточная литая алюминиевая панель 400X300, бесшовная сборка, простая работа по установке

Передний / Обслуживание спины

Магнитный модуль легко обслуживать с передней стороны..

Светодиодный дисплей высокой четкости

Обеспечивает поистине потрясающее изображение во всех деталях благодаря выдающимся пикселям, создающим изображение HD-качества на светодиодном экране.

Узкий шаг пикселя

P1.56/P1.66/P1.923 узкий шаг пикселей HD светодиодный экран Макс. 256 пикселей на квадратный дюйм

Сверхширокий угол обзора

160° угол обзора как по вертикали, так и по горизонтали

Естественный цвет

16битовая глубина цвета с 65,536 шкала серого для каждого R, г, Б.

Высокая контрастность и автоматическая регулировка яркости

4000:1 контрастность, и 256-ступенчатая автоматическая регулировка яркости

P1.25 Спецификация светодиодного экрана с малым шагом пикселя

Шаг пикселя(мм) 1.25мм
Светодиодный пакет SMD0808 Чистый черный
Модуль Пиксель (точки) 160точки×120точек
Размер модуля (мм) 200мм(Вт)*150мм(ЧАС)
Размер шкафа (мм) 400ммx300 мм
Входное напряжение (переменный ток) 220В±10% или 110В ±10%
Утечка тока на землю (мА) <3
Среднее энергопотребление (Вт/㎡) 450
Макс. Потребляемая мощность (Вт/㎡) 1300
Режим управления Синхронизация
Система контроля Карта VAG+DVI+платы управления+кабели передачи
Видео приемлемо ТВ VCD DVD
Режим отображения 576×576、480*576、960×576、960×960…1152×960
Расстояние передачи CAT-5E≦130м/многомодовое оптическое волокно≦500м / Одномодовое оптическое волокно≦10 км
Режим сканирования 1/24
Светодиодный режим движения Постоянный ток
Яркость (кд/㎡) 1,000
Плотность пикселей 409,600точки/㎡
Расстояние просмотра(м) 1.5~40м
Хор. Угол обзора(степень) 160°
Вер. Угол обзора(степень) 160°
Калибровка яркости 256 оценка
Калибровка серого 4096~65536 класс
Калибровка изображений Контраст/тональность/легкость одного модуля
Частота обновления 1920~3840 Гц/с
Частота смены кадров Более 60 Гц
Глубина цвета 13бит~16бит
Непрерывное рабочее время >72 Часы
Использование жизни 100,000 Часы
среднее время безотказной работы >10,000 Часы
Разброс точек OOC <0.01%
Непрерывная точка OOC 1‰
Рабочая температура -20℃~+40℃
Рабочая влажность 10~60%
Вес шкафа (Кг) 3.5кг/шкаф



Новая красивая серия светодиодных видеостен p3.91 находится в стадии производства

p3.91 внутренний светодиод (1)

Мы производим 200 аренда светодиодных дисплеев для помещений P3,91, это новый тип, с обслуживанием и красивым дизайном



p3.91 внутренний светодиод (1)

p3.91 внутренний светодиод (2)p3.91 внутренний светодиод (4)

P3.91 Светодиодные экранные панели для аренды в помещении SMD оснащены регуляторами угла, которые можно установить прямо., круговой, изогнутый, вогнутый или выпуклый режим, и т. д.. Они идеально подходят для высококачественного применения в живых выступлениях., Новостная конференция, выставочные центры, свадьба и другие важные события, требует простой установки, плавного подключения и высокой детализации изображения на близких расстояниях просмотра.. Лучшая цена, указанная выше, рассчитана за одну панель размером 500x1000 мм., EXW-термин. В комплект входит приемная карта и необходимые кабели.. Срок изготовления с учетом теста на старение составляет 16 рабочие дни.



– Сверхвысокое разрешение – 56 636 пикселей/кв.м.;
– Литой алюминиевый шкаф, бесшовное соединение;

– Легкий вес, простая установка и демонтаж;
– Насыщенные цвета и отличный коэффициент контрастности;
– Превосходная однородность цвета и большие углы обзора.;
– Низкое энергопотребление и длительный срок службы;
– Поддерживает технологию калибровки светодиодных ламп.;
– Превосходное рассеивание тепла на печатной плате;
– Степень защиты IP43 для хорошей защиты от пыли, влага, статический, и т. д.;
– Яркость можно регулировать вручную с помощью программного обеспечения или автоматически контролировать с помощью сенсорной карты.;
– Поддерживаемые системы управления: Линс, Новастар, Цветной свет, Мунсел, и т. д..

Технические характеристики:

1. Шаг пикселя: 3.91мм
2. Плотность пикселей: 56,636 пикселей/кв.м
3. Конфигурация пикселей / Тип светодиода: 1Р1Г1Б, СМД2121
4. Размер модуля светодиодного экрана (Д*В): 250*250мм
5. Разрешение модуля светодиодного экрана: 64*64 пиксели
6. Размер панели экрана светодиодного дисплея (Д*В*Д): 500*500*80мм
7. Разрешение панели экрана светодиодного дисплея: 128*256 пиксели
8. Материал панели светодиодного экрана: Литье алюминия под давлением

Мы представляем новый тип светодиодного экрана для плакатов

светодиодный дисплей для плакатов (3)

Внутренний светодиодный плакат серии ET представляет собой металлический корпус нового поколения. С узким краем. ,Внутренний светодиодный дисплей для плакатов серии ET имеет более аккуратный вид без зазоров. ,а ультратонкий профиль толщиной 35 мм позволяет легко размещать его.. С другой стороны, Обновления по сети или USB упрощают смену контента в серии ET, а эффект многоэкранной синхронизации помогает отображать больше контента путем объединения в более крупные экраны.. По сравнению с внутренним ЖК-плакатом, серия ET имеет более высокую яркость при 800 гниды ,Это означает, что изображение и видео могут быть более яркими и подходящими для яркого случая.. Внутренние светодиодные плакаты серии ET также поддерживают многоэкранную синхронизацию по локальной сети. , Облачное управление и синхронизация WAN.светодиодный дисплей для плакатов (1)

светодиодный дисплей для плакатов (2)


88 Водонепроницаемые светодиодные экраны для улицы sqm P5 отправлены в Албанию

p5 наружный светодиодный экран

88 Наружные водонепроницаемые светодиодные стены P5 построены и собраны., упаковано, а затем отправлено в Албанию.В этой наружной светодиодной стене P5 используются светодиодные лампы Nationstar и ICN2153 IC для обеспечения хорошей частоты обновления.

Светодиодная панель P5 P5 Наружная светодиодная стена Светодиодные экраны P5

Открытый неподвижный светодиодный дисплей P5, с 320x160 мм вел модули, 960х960мм вел шкаф, высокая яркость и высокое разрешение до дисплей Отличные изображения и видео. Особенности P5 Наружный светодиод Панель: 1. Высокая яркость: С Kinglight и Nationstar, Чтобы гарантировать, что вел Качество лампы

128 Светодиодная витрина P3.91 кв.м. для Таиланда проходит возрастные испытания

p3.91 светодиодный дисплей для аренды в помещении (1)

Клиент из Таиланда заказал более 128 кв.м P3.91 аренда светодиодной стены для проведения мероприятий.

P3.91 Для помещений Прокат Светодиодный дисплей обеспечивает потрясающую четкость, Контрастность и цветопередача, обеспечивающие кристально чистое изображение в любых условиях. Дисплеи широко используются для банковских, этап, концерт, Гостиница, станция. Идеальная калибровка между яркостью и хроматическим цветом обеспечивает наилучшее качество изображения в любом месте.

p3.91 светодиодный дисплей для аренды в помещении (1)

p3.91 светодиодный дисплей для аренды в помещении (2)

Полноцветный светодиодный дисплейный модуль размером 250x250 мм для помещений,В основном для аренды дизайнерского шкафа размером 500x500 мм или 500x1000 мм

Особенности продукта:

1.SMD2121 светодиоды черного корпуса обеспечивают высокую контрастность,высокая шкала серого,хорошая производительность

2.СМД 3 В 1 Технологии подтверждают широкий угол обзора,Малый вес и низкое энергопотребление

3. Модули с высоким разрешением и малым шагом пикселя обеспечивают закрытое расстояние обзора и высокую четкость,хороший эффект для зрения.

3. 250Размер модуля x250 мм, простой в сборке, размер панели 500x500 мм или 500x1000 мм для аренды, использования или постоянного, фиксированного для рекламы, костюм для внутреннего и наружного использования P3.91, P4.81, P6.25

4. Также может быть собран на железном каркасе с помощью магнитов,не нужны шкафы, Простота установки и обслуживания с фронтальным доступом,Сэкономьте на шкафах и транспортировке

5. Тонкая толщина, легкий вес,Простота перемещения и транспортировки

6. Изысканный и вкусный внешний вид благодаря структурному расположению проволоки

интеллектуальный уличный сетчатый занавес, светодиодный видеоэкран в стадии производства

занавес светодиодный дисплей

Интеллектуальный сетчатый светодиодный экран представляет собой инновационный продукт новой формы и нового дисплея.. Имеет характеристики проницаемости., световой короб, простая установка, длительный срок службы, низкое энергопотребление и чистый цвет; Сетчатый экран серии CP-D принимает наклон, высокая яркость, Стабильное отображение, Преодоление ограничений традиционной рекламы, и успешно реализует применение новых медиа и рекламы в архитектуре.

1. 30 ~ 80% проницаемость, Полая коробчатая конструкция, хорошая теплоотдача
2. Высококачественная алюминиевая рама, Вес 15кг / м2, 40% веса традиционного экрана
3. Светодиодная лампа с прямым подключением высокой яркости, высокоэффективный специальный источник питания PFC, 50% энергосбережение по сравнению с традиционным
4. Его можно устанавливать и обслуживать спереди и сзади., а модуль световой панели можно быстро разобрать и заменить.
5. Низкая температура – 35 ℃, высокая температура 80 ℃, ливень, Метель и другая среда

How about outdoor LED advertising screen?

Speaking of LED advertising screen, it is everywhere in our real life. There are indoor and outdoor ones. Сегодня, we focus on how to choose outdoor LED advertising screen. How to choose it, can we make our advertising more outstanding?

Outdoor LED advertising screen has become the mainstay of advertising industry. It has gradually replaced the traditional advertising media, which is so dazzling. So what about outdoor LED advertising screen? What are the characteristics?

LED advertising screen can play multimedia content, video and pictures are not in the background. Compared with traditional static graphic advertising, of course, it has more visual impact, can touch the audience’s senses in all directions and effectively convey information to guide consumption. The audience faces a lot of advertisements. Because of the limited memory space and the infinite information dissemination, LED display has gradually become a scarce resource, so attention economy has become the largest size to test the advertising effect. A while ago, the Korean giant wave screen, I believe that everyone still have the impression, that wave will rush out of the screen and come! People stop to watch, which is the interpretation of visual impact. This is the effect that led advertising screen can achieve. What do you say about LED advertising screen?

Outdoor LED advertising screens are generally installed in areas with concentrated human flow, such as shopping malls, pedestrian streets, intersections, high-speed roadsides, аэропорты, docks, станции, и т. д.. as an example, mass media is a large-scale advertiser in China, covering three quarters of the urban population by elevator publicity. Imagine that if the plane advertising is used, The coverage rate and advertising benefit will be greatly reduced! In the outdoor, LED advertising screen, can make your publicity more outstanding, more effective!

With the improvement of living standards, people’s tastes are getting higher and higher. It’s hard to arouse interest in small advertisements, leaflets, publications published on the street. But we can enjoy the video with a friend’s circle and a video of shaking. We tiktok here and there. Now we have entered the end of the video. Media age and graphic era seem to be getting far away from us. Obviously, video advertising is more effective than graphic advertising! So, outdoor LED advertising screen how, has not to say more!

В прошлом, from the countryside to the city, there were many neon advertisements. Seeing neon lights reminds us of Shanghai beach in 1980s. The single style of neon lights can not meet the requirements of the times. LED display screen with more energy saving and changing advertising content has been born. LED display screen has evolved for many years, from the beginning of monochrome to the popular full color. Outdoor LED advertising screen adopts It is full color screen, which is of great benefit to improve image and taste. LED advertising screen has gradually become the mainstream advertising carrier of the city.

After all, I believe you have a clear answer to the question of how outdoor LED advertising screen is. Да, it is correct to use LED advertising screen for advertising!

How about LED light pole screen? How much is a square meter?

With the popularization of wireless, LED light pole screen has gradually come into our view. Let’s have a look at the LED light pole screen, how much is the price per square meter.

Speaking of LED lamp pole screen, we have to say that smart lamp pole, which integrates intelligent lighting function, information release function, information collection function, information transmission and control function, green new energy charging, environmental monitoring and so on. With the popularity of the 5g network, which will soon be used in large-scale commercial applications, I believe that smart lampposts will be more widely used to support the full coverage of the city’s Internet of things. This is the later part. Today we will focus on LED lamp pole screen. What about the LED light pole screen?

As the name implies, LED lamp pole screen can be simply understood as an electronic advertising screen specially used on the lamp post. It is suitable for installation in places where street lamps are needed in areas such as highway, subway station, shopping mall and scenic spot. Streetlights are usually not in large quantities. The dynamic advertising content with multi colors will definitely give passers-by a shocking visual impact. Compared with the traditional light box advertising, it is a higher judgment! In terms of installation, LED lamp pole screen only needs to be installed on the lamp pole, which is very convenient. What do you say about LED light pole screen?

LED light pole screen can display dynamic video advertisement, which can express more propaganda content and attract more eyeballs. The lamp pole screen has the characteristics of synchronous receiving and playing, coupled with the design of angle of view greater than 140 degrees, in such a rush place as the road, even if you take a glance in the driving vehicle, you will not miss the content of the advertisement. Driving on the highway, no matter how far the car goes, there is always a high-definition street lamp screen to play the content of the company, to alleviate the driver fatigue driving also has a considerable role. Beautify the appearance of the city, civilization prompt two not wrong! Advertisements can also be seen at night

LED lamp pole screen is a new advertising media with great market prospect. It has the following characteristics: luminous brightness is 7200cd / м2, light sensor probe, brightness can be adjusted automatically; dust and water-proof grade is very strong, up to IP68! Кроме того, the sun proof and explosion-proof function is also very good, because the galvanized steel plate is used, and the professional surface technology is treated. According to the laboratory test data, the LED light screen will not fade after 8 years of outdoor use. Mobile phone, computer, WiFi wireless network control, remote synchronous update, very convenient to enjoy the scientific and technological achievements! Конечно, intelligent identification module can be added to realize more functions. In summary, how about LED lamp pole screen? Of course not bad!

The LED lamp pole screen on each street lamp pole, not only can realize the comprehensive utilization of street lamp pole, make the road no longer monotonous, but also can play colorful decorative pictures according to different festivals to beautify the city appearance. В то же время, it can also provide the public with weather changes, environmental pollution values and road traffic conditions, bringing more convenience to the public.

How much is the LED lamp pole screen? Because it is a customized product, there are many parameter configurations, and the price is not the same, so the price can not be generalized. If you need product information, case pictures and videos, as well as quotation, пожалуйста свяжитесь с нами.

Viewing distance of LED large screen

When it comes to LED, which large screen we want to do is not familiar with us? What is the better viewing distance of LED large screen? How to choose?

First of all, let’s give you Amway. Now the LED screen is full-color LED display, and the monochrome screen and two-color screen are rarely used, so we won’t talk about it.

LED large screen is made up of modules one by one, and the module is composed of dense lamp beads. Different models have different distances and different prices.

When it comes to the viewing distance of LED large screen, let’s talk about the model of LED large screen. The letterP” + “numberis generally used for LED large screen, such as P2 / П3 / 10 и так далее. HerePrefers to the center distance between two lamp beads. Например, P2 is the distance between two lamp beads, which is 2mm, P3 is 3mm, and P10 is 10mm. The smaller the distance, the clearer the price.

We can judge the viewing distance by knowing the distance between the LED large screen. The number behind the LED screen is not only the distance between the light beads, but also the viewing distance. Например, if P2’s light distance is 2 мм, its viewing distance is 2 метры, especially if the viewing distance is less than 2 метры, the effect is not very good if it is less than 2 метры. Similarly, the viewing distance of P3 LED screen is 3 метров на расстоянии!

Now the viewing distance of LED large screen is clear? So we know what model to use and everything will be fine? It’s not!

We know that led large screen is a big project with high technical requirements, complex construction and long service life, which requires the manufacturers, product quality, construction and after-sales maintenance of LED large screen. If we simply compare the price, we will regret it to a great extent. After all, we can get the goods every cent. The quality is directly proportional to the price and service. Don’t be greedy for the cheap and bring bitter fruit!

It is easy for us to understand the viewing distance of LED large screen, but it is not easy to install a good LED screen. This process requires you to select strong manufacturers, excellent quality products and perfect after-sales service to make us feel at ease! If you have any questions, пожалуйста свяжитесь с нами.

Intelligent floor with remote control and led tile screen in the new era

Recently, the LED display factory has been brushed by thenew era intelligent floor remote control drawing”. It turns out that it is caught fire by a small video. Let’s take a look at the intelligent floor in the new era and what is the relationship between the LED floor tile screen and the intelligent floor?

According to the LED display factory engineer, this video was circulated last year. It started circulating abroad this year and then spread to the country. Many of the brush shakes were brushed and they came to tiktok.

Is led floor tile screen project easy to do

As a new digital display device of display screen, LED floor tile screen has become popular rapidly in major shopping malls and scenic spots, which makes many businesses have a strong interest. Is led floor tile screen project easy to do? LED display factory for you to solve the problem.

LED display screen factory first give everyone science, LED floor tile screen, is a member of the LED display screen family, specially used on the ground, so it is called floor tile screen. On the basis of the conventional display screen, special technology is adopted, which has stronger bearing capacity, can bear the rolling of ordinary car, and can still be used normally, and can be trampled by many people at the same time.

When people step on the LED floor tile screen, the screen will interact with real-time, resulting in various changes, such as broken glass, flowers on the soles of feet, fish moving, и т. д.. Once launched, favored by consumers, ordinary people full of trouble! “LED floor tile screen project easy to dothis question, should have the answer probably.

A few years ago, led glass plank road is relatively popular, almost in every big spot scenic spot, that scene, that guy, a sea of people, quite spectacular ah! The boss of the scenic spot laughs, and the boss who invested has more than 100 million yuan!

Led glass plank road, when people walk by, will also produce a variety of special effects in real time, just like the LED floor tile screen now said! Led glass trestle is mostly built on cliffs, which is dangerous to some extent. Construction of LED glass trestle is forbidden in many places. Led glass trestle from cliffs to indoor LED tile screen, will be able to copy its success! Do you think the LED floor tile screen project is good?

We can simply analyze the success of LED glass plank road, there are no three points. First, with the driving of large flow of scenic spots, pigs can fly. Second, real-time interaction with human body can be carried out. Past play projects are mostly unilateral, and there is no interactive communication. After playing, LED glass plank road can well meet this demand, and it is on fire! Third, tiktok is benefited from the rise of the media. People always enjoy the fun and fun of sharing the circle of friends, shaking, Kwai, QQ, and LED glass plank road. When it was just rising, there was no need for too much publicity at the beginning. Tourists spontaneously helped to publicize their fame and the fame was soon hit. Now the LED floor tile screen is rapidly popular, but also thanks to we media! So do you think the LED floor tile screen project is easy to do?

A project, only in the early take-off stage to enter the bureau is a good time, and so on has been hot, everywhere, the competition has entered the white hot, only a long stream! Now, the LED floor tile screen is starting to fire, not very hot time, it is a good time to cut in! Is led floor tile screen project easy to do? I don’t need to say more!

Let’s talk aboutis the LED floor tile screen project easy to dohere. If you have any questions, please come to the LED display factory at any time. You are welcome to ask for case pictures, videos and quotations.

Transparent led screen enters Kunming Hengda cultural tourism city

Recently, good news came from the LED display factory in Yunnan. The LED transparent screen of Kunming Hengda cultural tourism city was successfully lit up! This is another example of cooperation between LED display factory and fortune 500 enterprises! Let’s take a look at how the LED display screen factory entered Kunming Hengda cultural tourism city

It is understood that Evergrande group is one of the world’s top 500 enterprises. В настоящий момент, Evergrande has a total assets of 2.1 trillion, annual sales volume of more than 600 billion, accumulated tax revenue of more than 240 billion, charitable donations of more than 14.8 billion, 140000 сотрудники, and more than 2.6 million jobs each year, ranking No.138 in the world’s top 500.

Kunming Hengda cultural tourism city is a cultural and tourism masterpiece in Southwest China with children’s World Park as the core, which is built by Hengda tourism group, a subsidiary of Evergrande group. Kunming Evergrande cultural tourism city is built by Evergrande Tourism Group under Evergrande group, covering wedding manor, modern museum group, performing arts center, International Convention and Exhibition Center, International Convention and Exhibition Center. Relying on the strength and brand influence of Evergrande group, the completed Kunming Hengda cultural tourism city will become a world-class culture integrating Entertainment, culture, leisure, business and residence Turn into a tourist attraction.

Led transparent screen, also known as ice screen, is a new type of LED display screen. It looks like a set of blinds composed of small linear LED lamps. In design, it greatly reduces the obstruction of structural components to the line of sight, and the permeability can reach 85%, which greatly improves the perspective effect. It is a display device with high clarity and good perspective effect in the global field.

Led transparent screen was born in 2016, and the fire was in “Пекин 8 minutesof the closing ceremony of the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics. Director Zhang Yimou showed us a wonderful scene with the ice screen! Amazing the whole audience, amazing the whole world! “Ice screenwas selected asthe top ten new words of 2018” и “the top ten popular words of science and technology in 2018”! Since then, ice screen and led transparent screen are well known to the world and widely used!

Led transparent screen has a novel and unique display effect. When the audience stands at an ideal distance to watch, the picture is like floating on the glass, and does not affect the original lighting function of the glass. Led transparent screen is usually used in combination with glass, which is commonly used in high-end places such as gold jewelry stores, clothing stores, shopping centers, бары, KTV, exhibition halls, аэропорты, buildings, glass curtain walls of buildings, и т. д..

As a 12 year old LED display manufacturer, it is no surprise that led display factory has cooperated with the world’s top 500 enterprises. It has been established by Shaoguan people’s Bank, Shanghai Jing’an Temple, Liuzhou Vientiane City, Zhongshan perfect headquarters, Shenzhen Futian Mingyue community, Qingdao Boli town government, Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum Museum, Vienna Hotel, three squirrels, Foshan Chancheng District Tobacco Bureau and Hangzhou hill More than 5000 well-known customers, such as Dun Hotel, Dandong Fenghuang Mountain Scenic Area, Huawei exhibition hall in Tsim Sha Tsui, Liaoning Yutong Jade Culture Museum, Hanzhong agricultural science and Technology Museum, Xinjiang Guanghui group and so on, have provided services to more than 5000 well-known customers. The customers are all over the country, and the products are as far as the overseas markets of the United States, Britain, India and Canada!

If you have related LED display demand, please contact LED display factory! LED display factory is one of the few enterprises that can do LED floor tile screen and led time tunnel!

For more details, please contact us for more details! 1 minute quick quotation, бесплатно! National door-to-door installation! Free maintenance for life!

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