p3 wirja mmexxija fuq ġewwa

Indoor fine pitch HD P3 SMD LED display video screen


1. It’s a series of indoor fine pitch LED screen which can be fixed installed.
2. Indoor commercial advertising billboard, stadju, banek, ċentri tal-borża, theme park, ajruport, skejjel, aġenziji tal-gvern, wirja, kmamar tal-laqgħat, ċinema, lukandi, and a variety of public facilities and etc

Daqs: 28 sqm

Post: Thaliand

Product feature:

  1. Fine pitch LED screen perfect presentation.
  2. Inġenwità u prestazzjoni tal-kulur tas-sbuħija.
  3. Disinn intim, snap-on mask design.
  4. Id-disinn tal-prodott tal-umanità jappoġġja l-manutenzjoni ta 'quddiem u ta' wara.