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Augstas izšķirtspējas āra LED displeja ekrānu specifikācijas un priekšrocības

4K high led display walls (1)

Attīstoties tehnoloģijām un pieaugot pieprasījumam pēc LED ekrāna displeja efektiem tirgū, LED displeju nozare pakāpeniski ieiet augstas izšķirtspējas laikmetā.
Augstas izšķirtspējas LED ekrānu izšķirtspēja būtībā četras reizes pārsniedz tradicionālo analogo televizoru izšķirtspēju, un attēla skaidrība un krāsu reproducēšana ir daudz labāka nekā tradicionālajiem televizoriem.
Kad sākotnējā standarta definīcija bija futbola spēļu pārraidīšana, futbola laukums bija zaļš, un augstas izšķirtspējas signāls ļautu skaidri redzēt, ka zaļo zonu veido zaļa zāle. The 16:9 platekrāna displejs sniedz arī plašāku vizuālo pieredzi. No audio efektu viedokļa, augstas izšķirtspējas TV programmas atbalstīs Dolby 5.1 telpiskā skaņa, savukārt augstas izšķirtspējas filmu programmas atbalstīs Dolby 5.1 Patiesas HD specifikācijas, kas sniegs mums īpaši satriecošu dzirdes pieredzi.

Kādas ir īpašības augstas izšķirtspējas LED ekrāni? Apskatīsim kopā:
1. Tam ir tādas īpašības kā likviditāte, piespiešana, mērķauditorijas atlase, un efektivitāti.
2. Programmas priekšrocības. Pašdarinātas programmas, tūlītēja atskaņošana, un bagātīgs saturs; Ir ne tikai sludinājumi, bet arī programmas, tostarp īpašas tēmas, kolonnas, varietē šovi, animācijas, radio drāmas, TV drāmas, un reklāmas, kas iejauktas starp programmām.
3. Atrašanās vietas priekšrocība. To galvenokārt uzstāda vietās ar koncentrētu satiksmi, piemēram, iepirkšanās centros, un pilnkrāsu LED displeju ekrāni ir uzstādīti ievērojamās vietās, kuriem ir šokējošāks un obligātās pārraides efekts.
4. Informācijas publicēšana ir vienkārša un ērta
Augstas izšķirtspējas LED ekrāns ir datora monitors, kas ir savienots ar datoru, izmantojot datu kabeļus vai bezvadu sakarus. Ar vienkāršiem iestatījumiem datorā, to var izmantot reklāmas satura publicēšanai, kas ir gan ērti, gan ātri.
5. Ātrs reklāmas satura atjaunināšanas ātrums
Reklāmas operatori un izdevēji jebkurā laikā var atjaunināt augstas izšķirtspējas LED ekrāna reklāmu saturu, tikai darbinot un kontrolējot datoru, un atjaunināšanas procesu neierobežo citi ārēji apstākļi. Saskaņā ar statistiku, lielie LED ekrāni savu reklāmas saturu atjaunina vidēji reizi mēnesī, savukārt mazie augstas izšķirtspējas LED ekrāni maina reklāmas saturu reizi nedēļā, ja tas aizņem vairāk nekā trīs līdz piecas dienas.
6. Enerģijas taupīšana un vides aizsardzība
Augstas izšķirtspējas LED ekrāni ir enerģiju taupoši un videi draudzīgi, strādājot 24/7, pilnībā pielāgots dažādām skarbām āra vidēm. Viņiem ir spēcīga vispārējā veiktspēja pretkorozijas jomā, ūdensdrošs, mitrumizturīgs, zibens aizsardzība, seismiskā pretestība, augsta izmaksu efektivitāte, un laba displeja veiktspēja.
7. Dažādas reklāmas formas
Augstas izšķirtspējas LED ekrāni parasti tiek uzstādīti sabiedriskās vietās un transporta maģistrālēs ar lielu gājēju satiksmi, lai būtu intuitīvs, spilgts, un spilgts.
Pēc ekspertu prognozēm, pieprasījums pēc dažāda veida augstas izšķirtspējas LED ekrāniem visā pasaulē turpmākajos gados sasniegs miljardus dolāru gadā, un tas turpinās pieaugt gadu no gada. Ķīnā, saskaņā ar Nacionālās optikas un optoelektronikas nozares asociācijas LED displeja ekrānu filiāles statistiku, augstas izšķirtspējas LED displeju nozares pārdošanas ieņēmumi bija aptuveni 4 miljardu juaņu pagājušajā gadā. Līdz ar Ķīnas pievienošanos PTO, izmantošana 2008 Olimpiskās spēles un 2010 Šanhajas pasaules izstāde, lai pievērstu lielāku uzmanību ekonomikai, kā arī valsts uzsvars uz vides aizsardzības jautājumiem un citiem labvēlīgiem faktoriem, LED ekrāni ir ieguvuši popularitāti sportā un mājsaimniecībās

LED lampu ietekme uz pilnkrāsu LED displeju kvalitāti

4K high led display walls (2)

Ikviens zina, ka pilnkrāsu LED displejus veido trīs krāsu LED lampas: sarkans, zaļš, un zils. LED lampas ir vissvarīgākais LED ekrānu izejmateriāls, un LED lampu kvalitāte tieši nosaka LED ekrāna kvalitāti un displeja spēju. Izvēloties dažādas LED lodītes, tiks iegūts atšķirīgs spilgtums, krāsa, un LED ekrāna kalpošanas laiks.
Pilnkrāsu LED displejiem, LED lodītes ir vissvarīgākā sastāvdaļa, un LED lodīšu kvalitātei ir izšķiroša nozīme LED displeju kvalitātes noteikšanā.

Pirmkārt, Nationalstar gaismas diodes ir visbiežāk izmantotie visā LED pilnkrāsu displejā, ar tūkstošiem vai pat desmitiem tūkstošu LED lodīšu uz kvadrātmetru.
Beidzot, LED lodītes tieši nosaka pilnkrāsu LED displeju veiktspēju un krāsu piesātinājumu un skaidrību.
Svarīgie LED lodīšu kvalitātes rādītāji galvenokārt ietver:
1、 Pilnkrāsu LED displeja spilgtums
LED lodīšu spilgtums nosaka pilnkrāsu LED displeju spilgtumu. Jo lielāks ir LED lodīšu spilgtums, jo lielāka ir pašreizējā lietošanas robeža, kas ir izdevīgi enerģijas taupīšanai un LED lodīšu stabilitātes saglabāšanai. LED lodītēm ir dažādas leņķa vērtības. Kad ir iestatīts mikroshēmas spilgtums, jo mazāks leņķis, jo spilgtāks ir LED, bet jo mazāks ir displeja ekrāna skata leņķis. Vispārīgi, LED krelles plkst 100-110 ir jāizvēlas grādi, lai nodrošinātu pietiekamu skata leņķi pilnkrāsu LED displejiem.
2、 Pilnkrāsu LED displeja ekrāna kļūmju līmenis
LED displeju ekrāni sastāv no desmitiem tūkstošu vai pat simtiem tūkstošu sarkanās krāsas, zaļš, un zilas LED krelles. Lampas lodīšu atteices līmenis nepārsniegs vienu no desmit tūkstošiem pat pēc novecošanas 72 stundas.
3、 Pilnkrāsu LED displeju vājināšanas raksturlielumi
LED lodīšu spilgtums pakāpeniski samazināsies, palielinoties lietošanas laikam. LED lodītes spilgtuma vājināšanās līmenis ir saistīts ar LED mikroshēmām, palīgmateriāli, un iepakošanas procesus zināmā mērā. Vispārīgi runājot, pēc a 1000 stunda, 20 miliampēru apkārtējās vides temperatūras apgaismojuma tests, sarkano LED lodīšu vājinājumam jābūt mazākam par 7%, un zilo un zaļo LED lodīšu vājinājumam jābūt mazākam par 10%. Sarkanā konsistence, zaļš, un zilajam vājinājumam ir būtiska ietekme uz pilnkrāsu LED displeju baltā balansu nākotnē, kas savukārt ietekmē displeja ekrāna displeja precizitāti.
4、 LED displeja ekrāna antistatiskā spēja
Sakarā ar to, ka LED lodītes ir pusvadītāju ierīces un ir jutīgas pret statisko elektrību, tie ir pakļauti elektrostatiskajai atteicei. Tāpēc, Antistatiskā spēja ir ļoti svarīga LED displeju kalpošanas laikam. Vispārīgi runājot, LED lodīšu cilvēka elektrostatiskā režīma testa atteices spriegums nedrīkst būt zemāks par 2000 V.

LED nomas displeju tirgus attīstības vēsture

LED ekrānu rūpnīca (2)

The LED rental display screen market is just starting to take off and is a niche market that is not very promising. LED nomas displeju ekrāniem ir augstas prasības pret kastīti, augstas dizaina un veidņu izmaksas, un zems tirgus pieprasījums, tāpēc lielākā daļa uzņēmumu nevēlas veikt šādu uzņēmējdarbību. Daži uzņēmumi ar tālredzību un priekšrocībām konstrukciju projektēšanā ir sākuši investēt šajā jomā (piemēram, Big Eyes, Guangxiang, un Leilings, kas kļuvuši par sinonīmu LED displeju ekrānu nomai).

LED ekrānu rūpnīca (2)

Sakarā ar īri (piemēram, P6) esot augstāk 600 juaņa/kvadrātmetrs, līzinga kompānija, iegādājoties ekrānus, nav jūtīga pret cenu. Šajā laikā, the main focus is on the competition between the convenience and aesthetics of die cast aluminum boxes (t.i. structural competition).
LED rental display screens are much more expensive compared to engineering screens, but the good rental income has attracted a large number of young entrepreneurs to invest crazily in display screen rental. For a while, LED rental display screen companies have been booming and thriving.
A P6 LEDLED rental display screen was priced at around 1500 yuan/square meter in 2008, around 1200 yuan/square meter in 2009, around 800 yuan/square meter in 2010, around 500 yuan/square meter in 2011, and by early 2012, most places had dropped to around 250 juaņa/kvadrātmetrs. Tajā pašā laikā, in less than a year between the second half of 2011 and the first half of 2012, the number of LED rental screens in China increased threefold. As a result, by 2012the rent for P6 rental screens was around 150 yuan.

Due to the huge market demand, almost all enterprises with sales exceeding 20 million are producing LED rental display screens themselves. With a broad perspective, companies such as Leiling, Guangxiang, Redio, Shijue, and Huiming have accumulated professional teams in the design, production, and sales of LED rental screens, forming their own advantages in box design; 2. Although companies such as Zhouming, Lianjian, Ruituo, Mairui, Yishida, Liade, and Lijing do not specialize in producing rental screens, they have also designed corresponding rental boxes based on their scale advantages and gained a certain share of the rental market business; 3. Kress, Xincai, Huijiarui, Tongpu, Decai, Haobo, Kemeixin and other companies do not have rental boxes, but their small scale has a price advantage and they also sell a certain amount of LED rental display screens.
We firmly believe in winning customers with product quality and brand benefits, focusing on the challenges and pressures that customers are concerned about, providing competitive LED display solutions and services, and continuously creating maximum value for customers. Gathering industry elites, possessing a large number of experienced and highly skilled technical and management talents, un ar lielisku pārdošanas komandu; Paļaujoties uz sarežģītiem testēšanas instrumentiem un iekārtām, ir izveidota pilnīga produktu kvalitātes kontroles sistēma, aptverot pētniecības un attīstības posmus, production, uzstādīšana, un atkļūdošana, kā arī gala pārbaude un rūpnīcas nodošana; Paļaujoties uz spēcīgām integrācijas un komandas sadarbības iespējām, Leiling Display ir izveidojis stratēģiskas partnerattiecības ar vietējiem un ārvalstu LED displeju izejmateriālu piegādātājiem un pārdevējiem, resursu integrācijas panākšana, complementary advantages, and efficient collaboration for modern enterprises; We adhere to the business policy ofcustomer first, quality first, reputation first, abide by contracts, and keep promises”, and work together with people from all walks of life at home and abroad to create a better future.

To become a trusted LED display screen manufacturer for customers

LED ekrānu rūpnīca (1)

LED screens have witnessed the rapid development of the Chinese economy and the complete penetration of information technology in various fields. inadvertently, they have become an irreplaceable modern media communication method in the field of information display.

LED ekrānu rūpnīca (1)

The LED display screen industry in China has continuously made breakthroughs and innovations in full-color LED displays, 256 level grayscale video control technology, cluster non warp control, multi-level group control technology, and other aspects. It has made remarkable progress in technology and product design, and there is not much difference in technology compared to international first-class brands, forming a comparable situation.
Tomēr, due to the low entry technical barriers in the LED display screen, LED TV wall, un LED electronic billboard industry, the production process of LED display screens is divided very finely from control systems to face shield design. By integrating the main technologies, one can become a manufacturer.
For a while, the domestic LED display screen market presented a mixed situation. Many enterprises, in order to occupy the market, are willing to engage in price wars and strive to control their production costs, but their quality cannot be effectively guaranteed.
As Mr. Guan Peihua, Senior Manager of the International Marketing Department of Lighthouse (Zhaoguang Technology), said, “Currently, in first tier cities such as Shanghai, Beijing, and Shenzhen, as the first batch of LED displays are being updated and replaced, customers are paying more attention to product quality and maintenance services, and their requirements for products are also higher than before.” Tāpēc, theextensivemarket model can no longer meet user needs, It is precisely because of this market transformation characteristic that batches of first-class enterprises with high reputation abroad are seeking opportunities to enter the Chinese market and gradually establishing local teams in China, bringing huge impacts to the already fiercely competitive LED market. The reason why they bring tremendous impact is because they have many years of experience abroad, and their products have gone through mature market tests, forming an irresistible brand advantage.
Leiling Display Technology Co., SIA. has always focused on its brand benefits and product reputation. We mainly position our products in the high-end market and establish and promote our brand image. Our mission is to focus on the challenges and pressures that customers are concerned about, provide competitive LED display solutions and services, and continuously create maximum value for customers. We have no scarce resources to rely on, only through hard work can we win the respect and trust of our customers.
In order to better meet customer needs, we are proactive and brave in exploring, adhering to openness and innovation. Any advanced technology, product, solution, and business management can only generate value when transformed into commercial success. We adhere to customer demand orientation and continuously innovate around customer needs.

Kā veikt ugunsdrošības pasākumus LED caurspīdīgam ekrānam

LED ekrāna rūpnīcas displeja paneļi (3)

Ugunsgrēka novēršanas tehnoloģiju ziņā, led transparent screen mainly depends on the fire prevention raw materials and box process of transparent screen. Refractory raw materials include transparent screen inner wire, enerģijas padeve, fireproof materials, plastic kit and other aspects: in most transparent screen applications, the larger the area, the greater the power consumption, and the higher the power on stability of the wire.
Among many wire rod products, the safety and stability of wire rod can be ensured only by adopting wire rod meeting the requirements of national standards. There are three requirements: the wire core is the conductive carrier of copper wire, the cross-sectional area tolerance of wire core is within the standard range, and the insulation and flame retardant performance of core-clad adhesive layer meet the standard. Compared with ordinary copper-clad aluminum wire core, the cross-sectional area of wire core is small, and the grade of insulation rubber is not enough, The charging performance is more stable and is not prone to short circuit.LED ekrāna rūpnīcas displeja paneļi (2)
UL certified power products are also the best choice for similar products. The effective conversion rate can ensure the safety and stability of power load, and can work normally under the hot external environment; 3. Another important component of LED transparent screen fireproof raw materials is plastic bag.
The plastic kit is mainly used as the material for the bottom shell of the unit module mask. The main raw material is flame retardant PC glass fiber material, which not only has flame retardant function, but also can be used for a long time at low temperature without deformation and embrittlement. Indoor materials will affect the fire prevention effect. The external configuration and design are also very important, but the external configuration mainly focuses on the surrounding heat dissipation.

Kā izvēlēties neliela izmēra LED displeja reklāmas sienu

elastīga led video siena (3)

Pērkot LED displejus, piesardzības pasākumi, izvēloties LED displejus ar nelielu atstarpi: lietotājiem ir jāņem vērā savas izmaksas, pieprasījums, piemērošanas joma un citi faktori. Pirms iegādāties nelielu atstarpi LED displeju, izlemiet, vai jums tiešām ir nepieciešama neliela atstarpe. Tas būtu jāizlemj atbilstoši faktiskajai situācijai.elastīga led video siena (3)
1、 Priekšnoteikums ir “zems spilgtums un augsts pelēks”.
Kā displeja termināļa LED ekrāns ar nelielu atstarpi, vispirms ir jānodrošina skatīšanās komforts, tāpēc pērkot, galvenais apsvērums ir spilgtums. Attiecīgi pētījumi liecina, ka kā aktīvs avots, Gaismas diodes spilgtums ir divreiz lielāks par pasīvo gaismu (projektors un LCD) attiecībā uz cilvēka acu jutīgumu. Lai acis izskatītos ērtāk, gaismas diodes ekrāna ar nelielu atstarpi spilgtuma diapazons var būt tikai no 100 cd m2 līdz 300 cd .
2、 Izvēloties punktu atstatumu, mums vajadzētu pievērst uzmanību līdzsvaram “efekts un prasme”
Parastie LED ekrāni vēlas iegūt labus vizuālos efektus. Daži cilvēki var redzēt tikai redzamības attālumu un nelielu atstarpi LED ekrāniem. Lietotāji var vienkārši izmērīt P2, izmantojot redzes attālumu = redzes attālums . Piemēram, P2 maza attāluma LED ekrāna skatīšanās attālums ir aptuveni 6 m.
3、 Izvēlieties izšķirtspēju un pievērsiet uzmanību saskaņošanai ar “priekšējā gala signāla pārraides ierīce”.
Jo mazāka ir maza attāluma LED ekrāna punktu atstarpe, jo augstāka izšķirtspēja, un jo augstāka ir attēla definīcija. Praksē, lietotāji vēlas izveidot labu LED displeju sistēmu ar nelielu atstarpi. Pievēršot uzmanību paša ekrāna izšķirtspējai, viņiem jāapsver arī saskaņošana ar priekšgala signāla pārraides produktiem.

Kā uzstādīt LED displeju? Kādas ir uzstādīšanas metodes?

iekštelpu noma LED ekrāni

LED displejs tagad tiek izmantots arvien plašāk. Ja lietojumprogrammas lauks un instalācijas vide atšķiras, LED displeja uzstādīšanas metodes arī atšķiras. Kā uzstādīt LED displeju? Kādas ir uzstādīšanas metodes?

āra led siena
1、 Visizplatītākā uzstādīšanas metode (piestiprināts pie sienas vai iebūvēts)
Uzstādīšana pie sienas ir visizplatītākā uzstādīšanas metode. LED displejs tiks izvirzīts uz āru 10 cm vai vairāk no sienas. Iegults ir tas, ka viss LED lielais ekrāns ir iestrādāts sienā, un displeja plakne atrodas vienā līmenī ar sienu. Šīs divas uzstādīšanas metodes parasti izmanto, ja telpās vai daļēji ārā nav lietus, un priekšējās apkopes dizains parasti tiek pieņemts (t.i. priekšējās apkopes dizains, kas parasti tiek montēts ar vienības plāksnes magnētisko sūkšanu).
2、 Konsoles vai balstiekārtas tips
Šo metodi var izmantot gan iekštelpās, gan ārā. Vispārīgi, iekštelpu ainas tiek izmantotas pie eju un gaiteņu ieejas, kā arī pie staciju ieejas, dzelzceļa stacijas un metro ieejas. Āra ainas tiek izmantotas satiksmes vadībai uz lielceļiem, dzelzceļi un ātrgaitas ceļi.
3、 Kolonnu uzstādīšana (viena kolonna un dubultā kolonna)
Ir daudz kolonnu uzstādīšanas metožu, ko parasti izmanto āra stendiem, un vienas kolonnas uzstādīšanas metode ir piemērota maziem ekrāniem; Divu kolonnu uzstādīšanas metode ir piemērota lielam ekrānam; Slēgts apkopes kanāls ir piemērots vienkāršai kastei; Atvērtais apkopes kanāls ir piemērots visām āra kastēm.
4、 Floor standing and roof type installation method
This method is applicable to indoor and outdoor. Vispārīgi, the back wall cannot bear load or the surrounding is open, so it can only be installed vertically on the ground. This installation method is generally thick, jo apkārt nav atbalsta punktu, un visi spēki tiek atbalstīti apakšā.

Kādas ir pilnkrāsu LED displeja SMD video sienas priekšrocības?


Kādas ir pilnkrāsu LED displeja video sienas stendu priekšrocības?

1. It has a wide viewing angle. For the surface paste screen display, it has a viewing angle of more than 110 degrees in the horizontal direction and the same performance in the vertical direction. In many external environments, such a large viewing angle is very advantageous.
2. In terms of light distribution, the brightness of blue, red and green LEDs looks the same from all angles. This can make the full-color LED display screen more perfect to show its playing effect. No matter what angle the viewer can enjoy the best color picture, instead of the traditional direct plug-in lamp bead display screen with large angle deviation, There is a problem of color distortion.
3. In terms of light mixing, due to its three in one chip design structure, the chip body with a very small distance can mix light in the same support cup, that is, the red, green and blue chips form a light bead, which is different from the three chips of ordinary led. In different LED light beads, the three light beads form a light mixing point, and the light mixing performance is poor. If you watch it closely, the watch paste screen display will have a better viewing effect.
4. In terms of contrast, because its structure is three in one, the SMD will be very small. The direct result is that there is a small area of luminous formation and a large area of black area, resulting in a very high contrast of the screen display.
5. In terms of product production, the surface pasted full-color LED display has high automation. It can be produced by full-automatic equipment. It has a high production efficiency and excellence rate. In terms of production links, its quality is better than the traditional LED full-color display with in-line lamps.
6. In terms of the weight of the body, it is very light, which has a great relationship with the material of aluminum alloy used in the box. It is not only light in weight, but also very beautiful. After long-term use, there will be no deformation. It has very high use value for both companies renting products and usersown purchase.
Although there are various shortcomings in the installation of this full-color LED display, piemēram, its brightness is lower than that of other products, and its waterproof performance is also worse, in terms of cost performance, this product has excellent performance in many aspects, and its advantages outweigh its disadvantages. It is still worth buying this product.

How about outdoor LED advertising screen?

Speaking of LED advertising screen, it is everywhere in our real life. There are indoor and outdoor ones. Today, we focus on how to choose outdoor LED advertising screen. How to choose it, can we make our advertising more outstanding?

Outdoor LED advertising screen has become the mainstay of advertising industry. It has gradually replaced the traditional advertising media, which is so dazzling. So what about outdoor LED advertising screen? What are the characteristics?

LED advertising screen can play multimedia content, video and pictures are not in the background. Compared with traditional static graphic advertising, of course, it has more visual impact, can touch the audience’s senses in all directions and effectively convey information to guide consumption. The audience faces a lot of advertisements. Because of the limited memory space and the infinite information dissemination, LED display has gradually become a scarce resource, so attention economy has become the largest size to test the advertising effect. A while ago, the Korean giant wave screen, I believe that everyone still have the impression, that wave will rush out of the screen and come! People stop to watch, which is the interpretation of visual impact. This is the effect that led advertising screen can achieve. What do you say about LED advertising screen?

Outdoor LED advertising screens are generally installed in areas with concentrated human flow, such as shopping malls, pedestrian streets, intersections, high-speed roadsides, lidostas, docks, stations, utt. as an example, mass media is a large-scale advertiser in China, covering three quarters of the urban population by elevator publicity. Imagine that if the plane advertising is used, The coverage rate and advertising benefit will be greatly reduced! In the outdoor, LED advertising screen, can make your publicity more outstanding, more effective!

With the improvement of living standards, people’s tastes are getting higher and higher. It’s hard to arouse interest in small advertisements, leaflets, publications published on the street. But we can enjoy the video with a friend’s circle and a video of shaking. We tiktok here and there. Now we have entered the end of the video. Media age and graphic era seem to be getting far away from us. Obviously, video advertising is more effective than graphic advertising! So, outdoor LED advertising screen how, has not to say more!

In the past, from the countryside to the city, there were many neon advertisements. Seeing neon lights reminds us of Shanghai beach in 1980s. The single style of neon lights can not meet the requirements of the times. LED display screen with more energy saving and changing advertising content has been born. LED display screen has evolved for many years, from the beginning of monochrome to the popular full color. Outdoor LED advertising screen adopts It is full color screen, which is of great benefit to improve image and taste. LED advertising screen has gradually become the mainstream advertising carrier of the city.

Galu galā, I believe you have a clear answer to the question of how outdoor LED advertising screen is. Yes, it is correct to use LED advertising screen for advertising!

How about LED light pole screen? How much is a square meter?

With the popularization of wireless, LED light pole screen has gradually come into our view. Let’s have a look at the LED light pole screen, how much is the price per square meter.

Speaking of LED lamp pole screen, we have to say that smart lamp pole, which integrates intelligent lighting function, information release function, information collection function, information transmission and control function, green new energy charging, environmental monitoring and so on. With the popularity of the 5g network, which will soon be used in large-scale commercial applications, I believe that smart lampposts will be more widely used to support the full coverage of the city’s Internet of things. This is the later part. Today we will focus on LED lamp pole screen. What about the LED light pole screen?

As the name implies, LED lamp pole screen can be simply understood as an electronic advertising screen specially used on the lamp post. It is suitable for installation in places where street lamps are needed in areas such as highway, subway station, shopping mall and scenic spot. Streetlights are usually not in large quantities. The dynamic advertising content with multi colors will definitely give passers-by a shocking visual impact. Compared with the traditional light box advertising, it is a higher judgment! In terms of installation, LED lamp pole screen only needs to be installed on the lamp pole, which is very convenient. What do you say about LED light pole screen?

LED light pole screen can display dynamic video advertisement, which can express more propaganda content and attract more eyeballs. The lamp pole screen has the characteristics of synchronous receiving and playing, coupled with the design of angle of view greater than 140 grādiem, in such a rush place as the road, even if you take a glance in the driving vehicle, you will not miss the content of the advertisement. Driving on the highway, no matter how far the car goes, there is always a high-definition street lamp screen to play the content of the company, to alleviate the driver fatigue driving also has a considerable role. Beautify the appearance of the city, civilization prompt two not wrong! Advertisements can also be seen at night

LED lamp pole screen is a new advertising media with great market prospect. It has the following characteristics: luminous brightness is 7200cd / m2, light sensor probe, brightness can be adjusted automatically; dust and water-proof grade is very strong, up to IP68! Papildus, the sun proof and explosion-proof function is also very good, because the galvanized steel plate is used, and the professional surface technology is treated. According to the laboratory test data, the LED light screen will not fade after 8 years of outdoor use. Mobile phone, computer, WiFi wireless network control, remote synchronous update, very convenient to enjoy the scientific and technological achievements! Protams, intelligent identification module can be added to realize more functions. In summary, how about LED lamp pole screen? Of course not bad!

The LED lamp pole screen on each street lamp pole, not only can realize the comprehensive utilization of street lamp pole, make the road no longer monotonous, but also can play colorful decorative pictures according to different festivals to beautify the city appearance. Tajā pašā laikā, it can also provide the public with weather changes, environmental pollution values and road traffic conditions, bringing more convenience to the public.

How much is the LED lamp pole screen? Because it is a customized product, there are many parameter configurations, and the price is not the same, so the price can not be generalized. If you need product information, case pictures and videos, as well as quotation, lūdzu, sazinieties ar mums.

Viewing distance of LED large screen

When it comes to LED, which large screen we want to do is not familiar with us? What is the better viewing distance of LED large screen? How to choose?

First of all, let’s give you Amway. Now the LED screen is full-color LED display, and the monochrome screen and two-color screen are rarely used, so we won’t talk about it.

LED large screen is made up of modules one by one, and the module is composed of dense lamp beads. Different models have different distances and different prices.

When it comes to the viewing distance of LED large screen, let’s talk about the model of LED large screen. The letter “P” + “numberis generally used for LED large screen, such as P2 / P3 / 10 and so on. Here “P” refers to the center distance between two lamp beads. Piemēram, P2 is the distance between two lamp beads, which is 2mm, P3 is 3mm, and P10 is 10mm. The smaller the distance, the clearer the price.

We can judge the viewing distance by knowing the distance between the LED large screen. The number behind the LED screen is not only the distance between the light beads, but also the viewing distance. Piemēram, if P2’s light distance is 2 mm, its viewing distance is 2 metri, especially if the viewing distance is less than 2 metri, the effect is not very good if it is less than 2 metri. Similarly, the viewing distance of P3 LED screen is 3 metru attālumā!

Now the viewing distance of LED large screen is clear? So we know what model to use and everything will be fine? It’s not!

We know that led large screen is a big project with high technical requirements, complex construction and long service life, which requires the manufacturers, product quality, construction and after-sales maintenance of LED large screen. If we simply compare the price, we will regret it to a great extent. Galu galā, we can get the goods every cent. The quality is directly proportional to the price and service. Don’t be greedy for the cheap and bring bitter fruit!

It is easy for us to understand the viewing distance of LED large screen, but it is not easy to install a good LED screen. This process requires you to select strong manufacturers, excellent quality products and perfect after-sales service to make us feel at ease! If you have any questions, lūdzu, sazinieties ar mums.

Intelligent floor with remote control and led tile screen in the new era

Recently, the LED display factory has been brushed by thenew era intelligent floor remote control drawing”. It turns out that it is caught fire by a small video. Let’s take a look at the intelligent floor in the new era and what is the relationship between the LED floor tile screen and the intelligent floor?

According to the LED display factory engineer, this video was circulated last year. It started circulating abroad this year and then spread to the country. Many of the brush shakes were brushed and they came to tiktok.

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