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고화질 실외 LED 디스플레이 화면의 사양 및 장점

4K high led display walls (1)

기술의 발전과 시장의 LED 스크린 디스플레이 효과에 대한 수요가 증가함에 따라, LED 디스플레이 화면 산업은 점차 고화질 시대로 진입하고 있습니다.
HD LED 스크린의 해상도는 기본적으로 기존 아날로그 TV의 4배입니다., 기존 TV에 비해 영상 선명도와 색상 재현력이 훨씬 뛰어납니다..
원래 표준 정의가 축구 경기를 방송하던 시절, 축구장은 초록색이었다, 고화질 신호를 통해 녹지 공간이 푸른 잔디로 구성되어 있음을 명확하게 확인할 수 있습니다.. 그만큼 16:9 와이드스크린 디스플레이는 더 넓은 시각적 경험을 제공합니다.. 오디오 효과의 관점에서, HD TV 프로그램은 Dolby를 지원할 예정입니다. 5.1 서라운드 사운드, 고화질 영화 프로그램은 Dolby를 지원할 예정입니다. 5.1 트루 HD 사양, 이는 우리에게 매우 놀라운 청각 경험을 가져다 줄 것입니다..

의 특징은 무엇입니까? 고화질 LED 스크린? 함께 살펴볼까요?:
1. 유동성 등의 특징을 가지고 있습니다., 강제, 타겟팅, 그리고 효율성.
2. 프로그램 장점. 직접 만든 프로그램, 즉시 재생, 그리고 풍부한 콘텐츠; 광고만 있는 게 아니다, 뿐만 아니라 프로그램, 특별한 주제를 포함해, 기둥, 버라이어티 쇼, 애니메이션, 라디오 드라마, TV 드라마, 프로그램 사이에 광고가 삽입됩니다..
3. 위치적 이점. 쇼핑몰 등 교통량이 집중되는 지역에 주로 설치됩니다., 랜드마크 지역에 풀컬러 LED 디스플레이 스크린 설치, 더 충격적이고 강제적인 전달 효과를 가지고 있는 것.
4. 출판정보가 간편하고 편리합니다.
고화질 LED 스크린은 데이터 케이블이나 무선 통신을 통해 컴퓨터에 연결된 컴퓨터 모니터입니다.. 컴퓨터에서 간단한 설정으로, 광고 콘텐츠를 게시하는 데 사용될 수 있습니다., 편리하고 빠릅니다..
5. 광고 컨텐츠의 빠른 업데이트 속도
광고 운영자 및 게시자는 언제든지 고화질 LED 스크린 광고의 내용을 업데이트할 수 있습니다., 컴퓨터를 조작하고 제어하는 ​​것만으로도, 업데이트 프로세스는 다른 외부 조건에 의해 제한되지 않습니다.. 통계에 따르면, 대형 LED 스크린은 평균 한 달에 한 번씩 광고 콘텐츠를 업데이트합니다., 소형 고화질 LED 스크린은 3~5일 이상 소요될 경우 일주일에 한 번씩 광고 내용을 변경합니다..
6. 에너지 절약 및 환경 보호
고화질 LED 스크린은 에너지를 절약하고 환경 친화적입니다., 일하고 있는 24/7, 다양한 혹독한 실외 환경에 완벽하게 적응. 그들은 부식 방지 측면에서 전반적인 성능이 강력합니다., 방수, 방습, 번개 보호, 내진성, 높은 비용 효율성, 디스플레이 성능도 좋고.
7. 다양한 형태의 광고
고화질 LED 스크린은 일반적으로 보행자 통행량이 많은 공공 장소 및 교통 동맥에 설치됩니다., 직관적이 되도록, 생생한, 그리고 생생하다.
전문가의 예측에 따르면, 전 세계적으로 다양한 유형의 고화질 LED 스크린에 대한 수요가 향후 몇 년 내에 매년 수십억 달러에 도달할 것입니다., 그리고 해마다 계속해서 증가할 것입니다.. 중국에서, 전국 광학 및 광전자 공학 산업 협회의 LED 디스플레이 스크린 분과의 통계에 따르면, 고화질 LED 디스플레이 화면 산업의 판매 수익은 약 4 지난해 10억 위안. 중국의 WTO 가입으로, 의 사용 2008 올림픽 게임과 2010 경제에 더 많은 관심을 불러일으키는 상하이 월드 엑스포, 환경 보호 문제 및 기타 유리한 요소에 대한 국가의 강조, LED 스크린은 스포츠와 가정에서 인기를 얻었습니다.

풀컬러 LED 디스플레이 화면의 품질에 대한 LED 램프의 영향

4K high led display walls (2)

풀컬러 LED 디스플레이 화면은 세 가지 색상의 LED 램프로 구성된다는 사실은 누구나 알고 있습니다.: 빨간색, 녹색, 그리고 파란색. LED 램프는 LED 스크린의 가장 중요한 원자재입니다., LED 램프의 품질은 LED 스크린의 품질과 디스플레이 능력을 직접적으로 결정합니다.. 다른 LED 비드를 선택하면 밝기가 달라집니다., 색상, LED 스크린의 수명.
풀컬러 LED 디스플레이용, LED 비드는 가장 중요한 구성 요소입니다., LED 비드의 품질은 LED 디스플레이의 품질을 결정하는 데 중요한 역할을 합니다..

첫째로, 네이션스타 LED 전체 LED 풀 컬러 디스플레이에서 가장 일반적으로 사용됩니다., 평방 미터당 수천 또는 수만 개의 LED 비드 포함.
마지막으로, LED 비드는 풀 컬러 LED 디스플레이의 성능과 채도, 선명도를 직접적으로 결정합니다..
LED 비드 품질의 중요한 지표는 주로 다음과 같습니다.:
1、 풀 컬러 LED 디스플레이 밝기
LED 비드의 밝기가 풀컬러 LED 디스플레이의 밝기를 결정합니다.. LED 비드의 밝기가 높아질수록, 현재 사용 마진이 클수록, 이는 전력을 절약하고 LED 비드의 안정성을 유지하는 데 도움이 됩니다.. LED 비드는 각도 값이 다릅니다.. 칩 밝기가 설정된 경우, 각도가 작을수록, LED가 밝을수록, 하지만 디스플레이 화면의 시야각이 작을수록. 일반적으로, LED 비즈 100-110 풀 컬러 LED 디스플레이에 대한 충분한 시야각을 보장하려면 각도를 선택해야 합니다..
2、 풀 컬러 LED 디스플레이 화면 실패율
LED 디스플레이 화면은 수만 또는 수십만 개의 빨간색으로 구성됩니다., 녹색, 그리고 파란색 LED 비즈. 램프 비드의 고장률은 노화 후에도 만분의 일을 초과하지 않습니다. 72 시간.
3、 풀 컬러 LED 디스플레이 화면의 감쇠 특성
LED 비드의 밝기는 사용 시간이 늘어남에 따라 점차 감소합니다.. LED 비드 밝기의 감쇠율은 LED 칩과 관련이 있습니다, 보조재료, 그리고 어느 정도 포장 공정. 일반적으로 말하면, 후에 1000 시간, 20 밀리암페어 주변 온도 조명 테스트, 빨간색 LED 비드의 감쇠는 다음보다 작아야 합니다. 7%, 파란색과 녹색 LED 비드의 감쇠는 다음보다 작아야 합니다. 10%. 빨간색의 일관성, 녹색, 청색 감쇠는 향후 풀컬러 LED 디스플레이의 화이트 밸런스에 큰 영향을 미칩니다., 이는 결국 디스플레이 화면의 디스플레이 충실도에 영향을 미칩니다..
4、 LED 디스플레이 화면 정전기 방지 능력
LED 비드는 반도체 소자로 정전기에 민감하기 때문에, 정전기 장애가 발생하기 쉽습니다.. 그러므로, 정전기 방지 능력은 LED 디스플레이의 수명에 중요합니다.. 일반적으로 말하면, LED 비드에 대한 인간 정전기 모드 테스트의 실패 전압은 2000V보다 낮아서는 안됩니다..

LED 렌탈 디스플레이 화면 시장의 발전 역사

지도된 스크린 공장 (2)

LED 렌탈 디스플레이 스크린 시장은 이제 막 시작 단계에 있으며 별로 전망이 좋지 않은 틈새 시장입니다.. LED 임대 디스플레이 화면은 상자에 대한 요구 사항이 높습니다., 높은 설계 및 금형 비용, 그리고 낮은 시장 수요, 그래서 대부분의 회사는 그러한 사업을 수행하기를 꺼립니다.. 구조 설계에 대한 통찰력과 이점을 가진 일부 회사는 이 분야에 투자하기 시작했습니다. (빅 아이즈 같은, 광샹, 그리고 레일링, LED 디스플레이 화면 임대의 대명사가 되었습니다.).

지도된 스크린 공장 (2)

임대료 때문에 (P6과 같은) 위에 있는 600 위안/제곱미터, 임대 회사는 스크린 구매 시 가격에 민감하지 않습니다.. 이때, the main focus is on the competition between the convenience and aesthetics of die cast aluminum boxes (i.e. structural competition).
LED rental display screens are much more expensive compared to engineering screens, but the good rental income has attracted a large number of young entrepreneurs to invest crazily in display screen rental. For a while, LED rental display screen companies have been booming and thriving.
A P6 LEDLED rental display screen was priced at around 1500 yuan/square meter in 2008, around 1200 yuan/square meter in 2009, around 800 yuan/square meter in 2010, around 500 yuan/square meter in 2011, and by early 2012, 대부분의 장소가 약으로 떨어졌습니다. 250 위안/제곱미터. 동시에, 하반기부터 1년여 만에 2011 그리고 상반기 2012, 중국 LED 렌탈 스크린 수가 3배 증가. 결과적으로, 2012년까지… P6 렌탈 스크린의 임대료는 대략 이 정도였습니다 150 원.

엄청난 시장 수요로 인해, 매출을 초과하는 거의 모든 기업 20 백만 명이 LED 임대 디스플레이 화면을 직접 생산하고 있습니다.. 폭넓은 시각으로, Leiling과 같은 회사, 광샹, 라디오, 시쥬에, 그리고 Huiming은 디자인 분야에서 전문 팀을 축적했습니다., 생산, and sales of LED rental screens, forming their own advantages in box design; 2. Although companies such as Zhouming, Lianjian, Ruituo, Mairui, Yishida, Liade, and Lijing do not specialize in producing rental screens, they have also designed corresponding rental boxes based on their scale advantages and gained a certain share of the rental market business; 3. Kress, Xincai, Huijiarui, Tongpu, Decai, Haobo, Kemeixin and other companies do not have rental boxes, but their small scale has a price advantage and they also sell a certain amount of LED rental display screens.
We firmly believe in winning customers with product quality and brand benefits, focusing on the challenges and pressures that customers are concerned about, providing competitive LED display solutions and services, and continuously creating maximum value for customers. Gathering industry elites, possessing a large number of experienced and highly skilled technical and management talents, 우수한 영업팀을 보유하고 있습니다.; 정교한 테스트 장비 및 장비를 사용하여, 완벽한 제품 품질 관리 시스템이 확립되었습니다., 연구 개발 단계를 포괄, 생산, 설치, 그리고 디버깅, 공장 최종검사 및 합격은 물론; 강력한 통합 및 팀 협업 기능 활용, Leiling Display는 국내외 LED 디스플레이 원자재 공급업체 및 판매업체와 전략적 파트너십을 구축했습니다., 자원 통합 달성, 보완적인 장점, 현대 기업을 위한 효율적인 협업; 우리는 다음의 비즈니스 정책을 준수합니다. “고객 우선, 품질 제일, 평판이 먼저, 계약을 준수하다, 그리고 약속은 꼭 지키자”, 더 나은 미래를 만들기 위해 국내외 각계각층의 사람들과 함께 협력합니다..

고객을 위한 신뢰할 수 있는 LED 디스플레이 화면 제조업체가 되기 위해

지도된 스크린 공장 (1)

LED screens have witnessed the rapid development of the Chinese economy and the complete penetration of information technology in various fields. inadvertently, they have become an irreplaceable modern media communication method in the field of information display.

지도된 스크린 공장 (1)

The LED display screen industry in China has continuously made breakthroughs and innovations in full-color LED displays, 256 level grayscale video control technology, cluster non warp control, multi-level group control technology, and other aspects. It has made remarkable progress in technology and product design, and there is not much difference in technology compared to international first-class brands, forming a comparable situation.
하지만, due to the low entry technical barriers in the LED display screen, LED TV wall, and LED electronic billboard industry, the production process of LED display screens is divided very finely from control systems to face shield design. By integrating the main technologies, one can become a manufacturer.
For a while, the domestic LED display screen market presented a mixed situation. Many enterprises, in order to occupy the market, are willing to engage in price wars and strive to control their production costs, but their quality cannot be effectively guaranteed.
As Mr. Guan Peihua, Senior Manager of the International Marketing Department of Lighthouse (Zhaoguang Technology), said, “Currently, in first tier cities such as Shanghai, Beijing, and Shenzhen, as the first batch of LED displays are being updated and replaced, customers are paying more attention to product quality and maintenance services, and their requirements for products are also higher than before.” 그러므로, 그만큼 “extensivemarket model can no longer meet user needs, It is precisely because of this market transformation characteristic that batches of first-class enterprises with high reputation abroad are seeking opportunities to enter the Chinese market and gradually establishing local teams in China, bringing huge impacts to the already fiercely competitive LED market. The reason why they bring tremendous impact is because they have many years of experience abroad, and their products have gone through mature market tests, forming an irresistible brand advantage.
Leiling Display Technology Co., 주식회사. has always focused on its brand benefits and product reputation. We mainly position our products in the high-end market and establish and promote our brand image. Our mission is to focus on the challenges and pressures that customers are concerned about, provide competitive LED display solutions and services, and continuously create maximum value for customers. We have no scarce resources to rely on, only through hard work can we win the respect and trust of our customers.
In order to better meet customer needs, we are proactive and brave in exploring, adhering to openness and innovation. Any advanced technology, product, solution, and business management can only generate value when transformed into commercial success. We adhere to customer demand orientation and continuously innovate around customer needs.

LED 투명 스크린의 화재 예방 조치 방법

지도된 스크린 공장 전시판 (3)

화재 예방 기술 측면에서, led transparent screen mainly depends on the fire prevention raw materials and box process of transparent screen. Refractory raw materials include transparent screen inner wire, 전원 공급 장치, fireproof materials, plastic kit and other aspects: in most transparent screen applications, the larger the area, the greater the power consumption, and the higher the power on stability of the wire.
Among many wire rod products, the safety and stability of wire rod can be ensured only by adopting wire rod meeting the requirements of national standards. There are three requirements: the wire core is the conductive carrier of copper wire, the cross-sectional area tolerance of wire core is within the standard range, and the insulation and flame retardant performance of core-clad adhesive layer meet the standard. Compared with ordinary copper-clad aluminum wire core, the cross-sectional area of wire core is small, and the grade of insulation rubber is not enough, The charging performance is more stable and is not prone to short circuit.지도된 스크린 공장 전시판 (2)
UL certified power products are also the best choice for similar products. The effective conversion rate can ensure the safety and stability of power load, and can work normally under the hot external environment; 3. Another important component of LED transparent screen fireproof raw materials is plastic bag.
The plastic kit is mainly used as the material for the bottom shell of the unit module mask. The main raw material is flame retardant PC glass fiber material, which not only has flame retardant function, but also can be used for a long time at low temperature without deformation and embrittlement. Indoor materials will affect the fire prevention effect. The external configuration and design are also very important, but the external configuration mainly focuses on the surrounding heat dissipation.

작은 피치 LED 디스플레이 광고 벽을 선택하는 방법

가동 가능한 지도된 영상 벽 (3)

LED 디스플레이 구매 시, 작은 간격의 LED 디스플레이 선택 시 주의사항: 사용자는 자신의 비용을 고려해야 합니다., 수요, 적용 범위 및 기타 요소. 작은 간격의 LED 디스플레이를 구입하기 전에, 정말로 작은 간격이 필요한지 결정하십시오.. 실제 상황에 따라 결정해야 합니다..가동 가능한 지도된 영상 벽 (3)
1、 전제조건은 “낮은 밝기와 높은 회색”.
디스플레이 터미널의 작은 간격의 LED 화면으로, 먼저 시청의 편안함을 보장해야 합니다., 그래서 구매할 때, 주요 고려 사항은 밝기입니다. 관련 연구에 따르면 활성 소스로서, LED는 수동 조명보다 두 배의 밝기를 가지고 있습니다. (프로젝터와 LCD) 인간의 눈의 민감도 측면에서. 눈이 좀 더 편안해 보이도록, 작은 간격의 LED 스크린의 밝기 범위는 100cd m2에서 300cd 사이일 수 있습니다. .
2、 포인트 간격을 선택할 때, 우리는 균형에 주의를 기울여야 한다 “효과와 스킬”
일반 LED 스크린은 좋은 시각 효과를 원합니다.. 어떤 사람들은 시거리와 작은 간격의 LED 스크린만 볼 수 있습니다.. 사용자는 시거 = 시거를 통해 P2를 간단히 측정할 수 있습니다. . 예를 들어, P2 작은 간격 LED 스크린의 시청 거리는 약 6m입니다..
3、 해상도를 선택하고 해상도와의 일치에 주의하십시오. “프런트 엔드 신호 전송 장치”.
낮은 간격의 LED 스크린의 도트 간격이 작을수록, 해상도가 높을수록, 이미지의 정의가 높을수록. 실제로, 사용자는 작은 간격으로 좋은 LED 디스플레이 시스템을 구축하고 싶어합니다.. 화면 자체의 해상도에 주목하면서, 또한 프런트엔드 신호 전송 제품과의 매칭도 고려해야 합니다..

LED 디스플레이를 설치하는 방법? 설치 방법은 무엇입니까?

실내 임대 LED 스크린

LED 디스플레이는 이제 점점 더 널리 사용되고 있습니다.. 적용분야와 설치환경이 다른 경우, LED 디스플레이의 설치 방법도 다릅니다.. LED 디스플레이를 설치하는 방법? 설치 방법은 무엇입니까?

옥외 지도된 ​​벽
1、 The most common installation method (wall mounted or embedded)
Wall mounted installation is the most commonly used installation method. The LED display will protrude 10 cm or more from the wall. Embedded is that the whole LED large screen is embedded into the wall, and the display plane is at the same level as the wall. These two installation methods are usually used when there is no rain indoors or semi outdoors, and the front maintenance design is generally adopted (i.e. front maintenance design, which is usually assembled by unit plate magnetic suction).
2、 Cantilever or suspension type
This method can be used both indoors and outdoors. 일반적으로, indoor scenes are used at the entrance of passages and corridors, as well as at the entrance of stations, railway stations and subway entrances. Outdoor scenes are used for traffic guidance on highways, railways and expressways.
3、 Column installation (single column and double column)
There are many column installation methods, which are generally used for outdoor billboards, 단일 컬럼 설치 방식은 작은 화면에 적합합니다.; 이중 기둥 설치 방식은 대형 화면에 적합합니다.; 폐쇄형 유지보수 채널은 단순박스에 적합합니다.; 개방형 유지 관리 채널은 모든 실외 상자에 적합합니다..
4、 플로어 스탠딩 및 루프형 설치방법
이 방법은 실내 및 실외 모두에 적용 가능합니다.. 일반적으로, 뒷벽이 하중을 견딜 수 없거나 주변이 열려 있습니다., 그래서 지상에 수직으로만 설치할 수 있습니다.. 이 설치 방법은 일반적으로 두꺼운, 주변에 지지점이 없기 때문에, 모든 힘은 바닥에서 지지됩니다..

풀 컬러 LED 디스플레이 SMD 비디오 월의 장점은 무엇입니까??


풀 컬러 LED 디스플레이 비디오 월 광고판의 장점은 무엇입니까?

1. It has a wide viewing angle. For the surface paste screen display, it has a viewing angle of more than 110 degrees in the horizontal direction and the same performance in the vertical direction. In many external environments, such a large viewing angle is very advantageous.
2. In terms of light distribution, the brightness of blue, red and green LEDs looks the same from all angles. This can make the full-color LED display screen more perfect to show its playing effect. No matter what angle the viewer can enjoy the best color picture, instead of the traditional direct plug-in lamp bead display screen with large angle deviation, There is a problem of color distortion.
3. In terms of light mixing, due to its three in one chip design structure, the chip body with a very small distance can mix light in the same support cup, that is, the red, green and blue chips form a light bead, which is different from the three chips of ordinary led. In different LED light beads, the three light beads form a light mixing point, and the light mixing performance is poor. If you watch it closely, the watch paste screen display will have a better viewing effect.
4. In terms of contrast, because its structure is three in one, the SMD will be very small. The direct result is that there is a small area of luminous formation and a large area of black area, resulting in a very high contrast of the screen display.
5. In terms of product production, the surface pasted full-color LED display has high automation. It can be produced by full-automatic equipment. It has a high production efficiency and excellence rate. In terms of production links, its quality is better than the traditional LED full-color display with in-line lamps.
6. In terms of the weight of the body, it is very light, which has a great relationship with the material of aluminum alloy used in the box. It is not only light in weight, but also very beautiful. After long-term use, there will be no deformation. It has very high use value for both companies renting products and usersown purchase.
Although there are various shortcomings in the installation of this full-color LED display, 예를 들어, its brightness is lower than that of other products, and its waterproof performance is also worse, in terms of cost performance, this product has excellent performance in many aspects, and its advantages outweigh its disadvantages. It is still worth buying this product.

How about outdoor LED advertising screen?

Speaking of LED advertising screen, it is everywhere in our real life. There are indoor and outdoor ones. 오늘, we focus on how to choose outdoor LED advertising screen. How to choose it, can we make our advertising more outstanding?

Outdoor LED advertising screen has become the mainstay of advertising industry. It has gradually replaced the traditional advertising media, which is so dazzling. So what about outdoor LED advertising screen? What are the characteristics?

LED advertising screen can play multimedia content, video and pictures are not in the background. Compared with traditional static graphic advertising, of course, it has more visual impact, can touch the audience’s senses in all directions and effectively convey information to guide consumption. The audience faces a lot of advertisements. Because of the limited memory space and the infinite information dissemination, LED display has gradually become a scarce resource, so attention economy has become the largest size to test the advertising effect. A while ago, the Korean giant wave screen, I believe that everyone still have the impression, that wave will rush out of the screen and come! People stop to watch, which is the interpretation of visual impact. This is the effect that led advertising screen can achieve. What do you say about LED advertising screen?

Outdoor LED advertising screens are generally installed in areas with concentrated human flow, such as shopping malls, pedestrian streets, intersections, high-speed roadsides, 공항, docks, stations, 등. as an example, mass media is a large-scale advertiser in China, covering three quarters of the urban population by elevator publicity. Imagine that if the plane advertising is used, The coverage rate and advertising benefit will be greatly reduced! In the outdoor, LED advertising screen, can make your publicity more outstanding, more effective!

With the improvement of living standards, people’s tastes are getting higher and higher. It’s hard to arouse interest in small advertisements, leaflets, publications published on the street. But we can enjoy the video with a friend’s circle and a video of shaking. We tiktok here and there. Now we have entered the end of the video. Media age and graphic era seem to be getting far away from us. Obviously, video advertising is more effective than graphic advertising! So, outdoor LED advertising screen how, has not to say more!

과거에, from the countryside to the city, there were many neon advertisements. Seeing neon lights reminds us of Shanghai beach in 1980s. The single style of neon lights can not meet the requirements of the times. LED display screen with more energy saving and changing advertising content has been born. LED display screen has evolved for many years, from the beginning of monochrome to the popular full color. Outdoor LED advertising screen adopts It is full color screen, which is of great benefit to improve image and taste. LED advertising screen has gradually become the mainstream advertising carrier of the city.

After all, I believe you have a clear answer to the question of how outdoor LED advertising screen is. 예, it is correct to use LED advertising screen for advertising!

How about LED light pole screen? How much is a square meter?

With the popularization of wireless, LED light pole screen has gradually come into our view. Let’s have a look at the LED light pole screen, how much is the price per square meter.

Speaking of LED lamp pole screen, we have to say that smart lamp pole, which integrates intelligent lighting function, information release function, information collection function, information transmission and control function, green new energy charging, environmental monitoring and so on. With the popularity of the 5g network, which will soon be used in large-scale commercial applications, I believe that smart lampposts will be more widely used to support the full coverage of the city’s Internet of things. This is the later part. Today we will focus on LED lamp pole screen. What about the LED light pole screen?

As the name implies, LED lamp pole screen can be simply understood as an electronic advertising screen specially used on the lamp post. It is suitable for installation in places where street lamps are needed in areas such as highway, subway station, shopping mall and scenic spot. Streetlights are usually not in large quantities. The dynamic advertising content with multi colors will definitely give passers-by a shocking visual impact. Compared with the traditional light box advertising, it is a higher judgment! In terms of installation, LED lamp pole screen only needs to be installed on the lamp pole, which is very convenient. What do you say about LED light pole screen?

LED light pole screen can display dynamic video advertisement, which can express more propaganda content and attract more eyeballs. The lamp pole screen has the characteristics of synchronous receiving and playing, coupled with the design of angle of view greater than 140 도, in such a rush place as the road, even if you take a glance in the driving vehicle, you will not miss the content of the advertisement. Driving on the highway, no matter how far the car goes, there is always a high-definition street lamp screen to play the content of the company, to alleviate the driver fatigue driving also has a considerable role. Beautify the appearance of the city, civilization prompt two not wrong! Advertisements can also be seen at night

LED lamp pole screen is a new advertising media with great market prospect. It has the following characteristics: luminous brightness is 7200cd / m2, light sensor probe, brightness can be adjusted automatically; dust and water-proof grade is very strong, up to IP68! 게다가, the sun proof and explosion-proof function is also very good, because the galvanized steel plate is used, and the professional surface technology is treated. According to the laboratory test data, the LED light screen will not fade after 8 years of outdoor use. Mobile phone, computer, WiFi wireless network control, remote synchronous update, very convenient to enjoy the scientific and technological achievements! Of course, intelligent identification module can be added to realize more functions. In summary, how about LED lamp pole screen? Of course not bad!

The LED lamp pole screen on each street lamp pole, not only can realize the comprehensive utilization of street lamp pole, make the road no longer monotonous, but also can play colorful decorative pictures according to different festivals to beautify the city appearance. 동시에, it can also provide the public with weather changes, environmental pollution values and road traffic conditions, bringing more convenience to the public.

How much is the LED lamp pole screen? Because it is a customized product, there are many parameter configurations, and the price is not the same, so the price can not be generalized. If you need product information, case pictures and videos, as well as quotation, 문의하시기 바랍니다.

Viewing distance of LED large screen

When it comes to LED, which large screen we want to do is not familiar with us? What is the better viewing distance of LED large screen? How to choose?

가장 먼저, let’s give you Amway. Now the LED screen is full-color LED display, and the monochrome screen and two-color screen are rarely used, so we won’t talk about it.

LED large screen is made up of modules one by one, and the module is composed of dense lamp beads. Different models have different distances and different prices.

When it comes to the viewing distance of LED large screen, let’s talk about the model of LED large screen. The letter “피” + “numberis generally used for LED large screen, such as P2 / P3 / 10 등등. Here “피” refers to the center distance between two lamp beads. 예를 들어, P2 is the distance between two lamp beads, which is 2mm, P3 is 3mm, and P10 is 10mm. The smaller the distance, the clearer the price.

We can judge the viewing distance by knowing the distance between the LED large screen. The number behind the LED screen is not only the distance between the light beads, but also the viewing distance. 예를 들어, if P2’s light distance is 2 mm, its viewing distance is 2 미터, especially if the viewing distance is less than 2 미터, the effect is not very good if it is less than 2 미터. Similarly, the viewing distance of P3 LED screen is 3 몇 미터 떨어진 곳에!

Now the viewing distance of LED large screen is clear? So we know what model to use and everything will be fine? It’s not!

We know that led large screen is a big project with high technical requirements, complex construction and long service life, which requires the manufacturers, product quality, construction and after-sales maintenance of LED large screen. If we simply compare the price, we will regret it to a great extent. After all, we can get the goods every cent. The quality is directly proportional to the price and service. Don’t be greedy for the cheap and bring bitter fruit!

It is easy for us to understand the viewing distance of LED large screen, but it is not easy to install a good LED screen. This process requires you to select strong manufacturers, excellent quality products and perfect after-sales service to make us feel at ease! If you have any questions, 문의하시기 바랍니다.

Intelligent floor with remote control and led tile screen in the new era

Recently, the LED display factory has been brushed by thenew era intelligent floor remote control drawing”. It turns out that it is caught fire by a small video. Let’s take a look at the intelligent floor in the new era and what is the relationship between the LED floor tile screen and the intelligent floor?

According to the LED display factory engineer, this video was circulated last year. It started circulating abroad this year and then spread to the country. Many of the brush shakes were brushed and they came to tiktok.

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