88 sqm P5 실외 방수 LED 디스플레이가 알바니아로 배송됩니다.

88 sqm P5 실외 방수 LED 벽이 조립 및 조립되었습니다., packed and then shipped to Albania.This P5 outdoor led wall uses Nationstar led lamps and ICN2153 IC to have good refresh rate.

p5 led panel p5 outdoor led wall P5 led screens

집 밖의 fixed led display P5, with 320x160mm ~ 주도의 모듈, 960x960mm ~ 주도의 cabinet, high brightness and high resolution to display great images and videos. Features of P5 Outdoor LED Panel: 1. 높은 밝기: With Kinglight and Nationstar, to ensure the ~ 주도의 lamp quality

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