カテゴリーアーカイブ: ビジネスニュース

屋内ステージレンタルディスプレイから小さなピクセルピッチの高精細LEDディスプレイウォールまで、大型LEDビデオウォールディスプレイに関する最新ニュース. 調子を整えてください!


表示画面の新たなデジタル表示デバイスとして, LEDフロアタイルスクリーンは、主要なショッピングモールや景勝地で急速に普及しています, 多くの企業が強い関心を寄せている. LEDフロアタイルスクリーンプロジェクトは簡単ですか? 問題を解決する LED ディスプレイ工場.

LED ディスプレイ スクリーン工場は最初にすべての人に科学を提供します, LEDフロアタイルスクリーン, LED ディスプレイ スクリーン ファミリのメンバーです, 特に地上で使用される, したがって、フロアタイルスクリーンと呼ばれます. 従来の表示画面をベースに, 特殊な技術が採用されている, どちらがより強い支持力を持っています, 普通車の横揺れに耐えられる, そしてまだ普通に使えます, 同時に多くの人に踏みつけられる可能性がある.

LEDフロアタイルスクリーンを人が踏んだとき, 画面はリアルタイムで対話します, さまざまな変化をもたらす, 割れたガラスなど, 足の裏の花, 動く魚, 等. 起動したら, 消費者に支持される, 悩みを抱えた普通の人々! “LEDフロアタイルスクリーンプロジェクトが簡単に行えます” この質問, おそらく答えがあるはずです.

数年前, LED ガラス板道路は比較的人気があります, ほぼすべての大きなスポットの景勝地にあります, あのシーン, あの男, 人の海, とても壮観ですね、ああ! 景勝地のボスが笑う, そして投資した上司はそれ以上のものを持っています 100 百万元!

LEDガラス板道路, 人が通り過ぎるとき, リアルタイムでさまざまな特殊効果も生成されます, LEDフロアタイルスクリーンが今言っているように! LED ガラス架台は主に崖の上に建てられています, それはある程度危険です. LED ガラス架台の建設は多くの場所で禁止されています. 崖から屋内 LED タイル スクリーンまでの LED ガラス架台, その成功を真似できるだろう! LEDフロアタイルスクリーンプロジェクトは良いと思いますか?

LEDガラス板道路の成功を簡単に分析できます, 3点はない. 初め, 景勝地の大きな流れの運転で, 豚は飛べる. 2番, 人体とのリアルタイムインタラクションが可能. 過去の遊びプロジェクトはほとんどが一方的なものでした, インタラクティブなコミュニケーションはありません. 遊んだ後, LED ガラス板道路はこの需要に十分対応できます, そしてそれは燃えています! 三番目, tiktokはメディアの台頭から恩恵を受けている. 人々は常に友達の輪を共有することを楽しく楽しんでいます, 震える, クワイ, QQ, LEDガラス板道路. ちょうど上がってきた頃, 最初はあまり宣伝する必要はなかった. 観光客は自発的に彼らの名声を宣伝することに協力し、その名声はすぐに打撃を受けました。. 今、LEDフロアタイルスクリーンが急速に普及しています, でも私たちメディアのおかげでもあります! それでは、LEDフロアタイルスクリーンプロジェクトは簡単に実行できると思いますか??

プロジェクト, 離陸の早い段階でのみ局内に入るのが良い時期です, などなど暑かったです, どこにでも, 競争は白熱状態に入った, 長い流れだけ! 今, LEDフロアタイルスクリーンが点灯し始めています, あまり暑くない時期, 割り込むには良い時期だ! LEDフロアタイルスクリーンプロジェクトは簡単ですか? これ以上言う必要はありません!

について話しましょう “LEDフロアタイルスクリーンプロジェクトは簡単ですか” ここ. ご質問がございましたら, いつでもLEDディスプレイ工場に来てください. 症例写真のご要望も大歓迎です, ビデオと引用.


最近, 雲南省のLEDディスプレイ工場から朗報が届いた. の LED透明スクリーン 昆明横達文化観光都市のライトアップが成功した! これはLEDディスプレイ工場とフォーチュンとの協力のもう1つの例です 500 企業! LEDディスプレイスクリーン工場が昆明横達文化観光都市にどのように参入したかを見てみましょう

恒大グループは世界トップクラスのグループの一つであることがわかります。 500 企業. 現在のところ, Evergrande の総資産は 2.1 兆, 年間販売数量以上 600 十億, 累計税収以上 240 十億, 以上の慈善寄付 14.8 十億, 140000 従業員, そしてそれ以上 2.6 毎年何百万もの雇用, 世界ランキング138位 500.

昆明横達文化観光都市は、児童世界公園を中核とする中国南西部の文化観光の傑作です。, 恒大観光グループによって建設されました。, 恒大グループの子会社. 昆明恒大文化観光都市は恒大グループ傘下の恒大観光グループによって建設される, 結婚式のマナーをカバーする, 現代美術館グループ, 舞台芸術センター, 国際会議展示場, 国際会議展示場. 恒大グループの強みとブランド影響力に依存, 完成した昆明横達文化観光都市は、エンターテイメントを融合した世界クラスの文化となるでしょう。, 文化, レジャー, ビジネスと住居が観光地に変わる.

LED透明スクリーン, アイススクリーンとも呼ばれます, 新しいタイプの LED ディスプレイ画面です. 小さな線状のLEDランプで構成されたブラインドのセットのように見えます. デザインにおいて, 構造コンポーネントが視線を遮るのを大幅に軽減します。, 浸透性は以下に達することができます 85%, 遠近効果を大幅に向上させます. グローバルな分野での高い鮮明さと良好な遠近効果を備えた表示デバイスです.

LED透明スクリーンの誕生 2016, そして火が入った “北京 8 分” 閉会式の様子 2018 平昌冬季オリンピック. チャン・イーモウ監督が氷のスクリーンで素晴らしいシーンを見せてくれました! 観客全員を驚かせた, 全世界を驚かせる! “アイススクリーン” として選ばれました “2018年のトップ10の新語” そして “2018 年に流行した科学技術の単語トップ 10”! それ以来, アイススクリーンとLED透明スクリーンは世界によく知られており、広く使用されています!

LED透明スクリーンは斬新でユニークな表示効果を持っています. 観客が理想的な距離に立って鑑賞する場合, ガラスの上に絵が浮かんでいるような感じです, ガラス本来の照明機能には影響しません。. LED透明スクリーンは通常、ガラスと組み合わせて使用​​されます, ゴールドジュエリー店などの高級店でよく使用されています。, 衣料品店, ショッピングセンター, バー, KTV, 展示ホール, 空港, 建物, 建物のガラスカーテンウォール, 等.

として 12 創業100年以上のLEDディスプレイメーカー, LEDディスプレイ工場が世界のトップ企業と協力していることは驚くべきことではありません 500 企業. 韶関人民銀行によって設立されました, 上海静安寺, 柳州ビエンチャン市, 中山完璧本社, 深セン福田明月コミュニティ, 青島博利鎮政府, 陝西省延昌石油博物館, ウィーン ホテル, 三匹のリス, 佛山市長城区タバコ局と杭州丘 5000 有名な顧客, ダンホテルなど, 丹東鳳凰山風景区, 尖沙咀のファーウェイ展示ホール, 遼寧省宇通玉文化博物館, 漢中農業科学技術博物館, 新疆光匯グループなど, 以上にサービスを提供してきました 5000 有名な顧客. 顧客は全国各地にいます, 製品は米国の海外市場まで, 英国, インドとカナダ!

関連する LED ディスプレイの需要がある場合, LEDディスプレイ工場にお問い合わせください! LEDディスプレイ工場は、LEDフロアタイルスクリーンとLEDタイムトンネルを製造できる数少ない企業の1つです。!

詳細については, 詳細についてはお問い合わせください! 1 1分程度の簡単お見積り, 無料! 全国的な戸別訪問設置! 生涯無料メンテナンス!


同社の上級エンジニアによると、 LEDディスプレイ工場 深センの古いブランド LED ディスプレイ スクリーン メーカー, LEDタイムトンネル, LEDタイムトンネルとしても知られています, タイムトンネルをテーマにした高精細LEDディスプレイによる横断体験プロジェクトです。. 絶妙な写真とマルチメディアオーディオおよびビデオを組み合わせて、芸術的な手法で変化を示します。, さまざまな没入型の視覚体験を作成する, 美しい水中世界から春の日へ美しい花と鳥たち, 夏の緑の木々, 色鮮やかな秋と冬は雪で、四季折々の宇宙旅行から神秘的な宇宙までを楽しむことができます。! 本当に時間が交差しているようだ! 不思議な感覚 + 視覚的な楽しみ + 没入型交差点 + インタラクティブな特殊効果, 訪問者に非日常的な体験を提供する!

&3年前, ガラスの架台 (高層ガラス橋) さまざまな景勝地で人気がありました. 投資の所有者は大金を儲けた, そしてそれらのほとんどは以上の価値がありました 100 百万元! 人気のあるプロジェクトはすぐに古くなってしまう. 最近では, ガラスの橋は全国にあります. 平均して, 各都市には少なくとも 2 つのガラスの橋がある. 物事は珍しいです, そして彼らはもはや魅力的ではありません. もう新鮮ではない. 無意識に, ガラス製高所吊り橋の配当も終盤に入った. ガラス架台の後にはどんな新しいレクリエーションプロジェクトがあるのか? はい , 我々は持っています! LEDタイムトンネルは新しい遊びプロジェクトのリレーガラス板道路です!

昨年の8月に, 桃花園景勝地にLEDタイムトンネルが建設されました, 常徳, 湖南省. それは 150 長さメートル, 2.7 幅メートルと 2.8 高さメートル. 総面積は 1500 平方メートルで歩行面は 400 平方メートル. インタラクティブでダイナミックな LED 電子スクリーンに春の桃園の風景が表示されます。, 夏, 秋と冬. 桃花園のタイムトンネルは、現在の先進的な音と光をベースにした天然のカルスト洞窟です。桃花園の四季折々の美しい風景を見せる電気技術のプロジェクトは、数え切れないほどの観光客を魅了しています。. 間に “5月1日” 小さくて長い休暇, 桃花園景勝地の人気は新たな高みに達しました. 4日間で受け入れた観光客の総数は、 22.53 百万, 前年比増加 57%; 観光収入は 67.3348 百万元, 常徳桃花園タイムトンネルの定価, 湖南省は 40 元 / 人!

LEDタイムトンネルはガラス板道路のアップグレードバージョンです! よりインタラクティブな, 面白くて面白い! Tiktok Kwai は自然に顧客を惹きつけ、友達がサークルにいるという事実を探求します, クイックハンドとジッターでビジネスを宣伝できます! 二次通信, 人気 = 旅客の流れ = お金!!! 新しいもののために, 楽しい, 面白いもの, 人々はいつでも喜んで共有します, そして脚光が一般的になった後, 無関心の時期に入った, 長い流れだけ! したがって, 早く割り込むほど, 原理的には良いほうが良い!

LEDスクリーンは1平方メートルあたりいくらですか? LED大型スクリーンの価格はいくらですか?

街中でもアウトドアでも, 大型スクリーンの広告をよく目にします, その創造性と広告は非常に魅力的です, 効果もとても良いです. 一般的なボード大画面広告との比較, LED大型スクリーン広告の方が得意です, 再生したい広告をいつでも変更できます, そこにぶら下がっている厳格なスタイルに限定されません. 今日, 私たちはいつでも来ます. 大型LEDスクリーンはいくらですか? LED大型スクリーンの価格はいくらですか?


屋内について 10 平方メートルは通常屋内 P6 表面ステッカーを選択します, 効果はかなり良いです, 相対的なコストが低い, 正方形は約 6000-7000, 屋内表面ペーストは、ディスプレイ画面を取り付けるときに注意してください。, 一般的に問題は起こりにくい, プラス制御機器, 費用は約です 80000-90000, 一般的に企業の画像表示に使用されます, 企業文化 広報, ビデオ画面のときにも使用できます!


屋外でも分割可能なLED大型スクリーン, 屋内, 単色, 二重原色, フルカラー. 各LEDスクリーンの価格は異なります. ポイント密度と価格の差は非常に大きい. 加えて, どの種類の発光チップも完璧ではありません, それには長所と短所があります. アメリカと日本では, 米国と日本では、常に焦点の技術を把握しているため、チップの価格が変動しています。. 台湾や中国にも工場がある, しかし、台湾と米国、日本ではパフォーマンスに多少の違いがあるはずです。.

大型 LED スクリーンの平方メートルあたりのコストを知りたい場合, LED ディスプレイ画面の工場に連絡することをお勧めします。. LEDディスプレイスクリーンメーカーは大型LEDスクリーンを作るだけではありません, LEDタイムトンネルスクリーンもあります, LEDフロアタイルスクリーンとLEDフロアタイルスクリーン. LED大型スクリーンの価格はいくらですか? 具体的な価格は選択したモデルと素材によって異なります. メーカーの価格はディーラーの価格よりもはるかに安いはずです. 詳細については、LED ディスプレイ工場にお問い合わせください。!




LEDフレキシブルスクリーンといえば, we have to say that it has two forms, one is arc screen, the other is column screen. It is worth mentioning that compared with the conventional LED display screen, the installation of LED flexible screen is more convenient, especially in the lobby of hotel and conference room, and some special videos are played to improve the decoration level or create a special atmosphere. As a flexible LED screen manufacturers led display factory, said LED flexible screen.


1. LED flexible screen has great potential and broad application prospect

With the promotion and prosperity of China’s cultural undertakings and the popularity of cultural performance activities, the application demand of LED flexible screen will be greatly increased. 加えて, the latest market report shows that by 2021, the global scale of outdoor LED display will reach US $15.7 十億, and will grow at a compound annual rate of 15.9%. This will more or less boost the application of zaodao LED flexible screen, and the marketblue oceanof LED flexible screen will become very considerable.

What is led flexible screen

Flexible screen refers to flexible OLED. The successful mass production of flexible screen not only greatly benefits the manufacturing of new generation high-end smart phones, but also has a profound impact on the application of wearable devices due to its low power consumption and flexible characteristics. In the future, flexible screens will be widely used with the continuous penetration of personal intelligent terminals.

Flexible screen mobile phone refers to the mobile phone with flexible and flexible screen, which is also known as curly mobile phone because it looks like awn roll.

OLEDs are very thin and can be mounted on flexible materials such as plastic or foil. Using plastic instead of glass will make the display more durable and lighter. The flexible OLED panel is concave from top to bottom with a bending radius of 700 んん.

OLED uses plastic substrate, but the glass substrate is very common. It uses film packaging technology and pastes protective film on the back of the panel to make the panel flexible and not easy to break. Flexible screen can be curled, but can not be folded, future products should be able to fold, shape will be more changed.

What are the characteristics of LED flexible screen?

1. Super flexible: it can design rolling, bending and swinging according to user’s requirements!

2. Ultra light and thin: special materials and advanced technology are adopted, ultra wave and ultra light, and the total amount of single module is only 85g.

3. Convenient installation: strong magnetic adsorption type installation, direct adsorption, simple and easy installation, convenient maintenance, greatly reducing the burden of use, so that customers can easily complete the installation work.

Such characteristics make it easy to use zaodao LED flexible screen in the face of some buildings which are difficult to fully fit the traditional LED display screen, such as arc wall, cylinder and other irregular special positions. 過去に, if the LED display screen is to be installed in the curved wall, it is precisely in view of the above characteristics that the most common application field of LED flexible screen is this kind of more special modeling places, such as shopping mall column, バー, stage and so on. In addition to the above, zaodao LED flexible screen has the advantages of single point maintenance, seamless splicing, high efficiency and energy saving, which are not possessed by the traditional LED display screen.

LED screen and flexible screen can not only do led and flexible display, but also wait for LED manufacturers. Details can be consulted: 18038141365, to understand the demand, see what kind of LED display you are suitable for, give you the most affordable quotation!



LEDインタラクティブフロアタイルスクリーンの一般的な制御方法にはオフライン制御モードが含まれます, Ethernet online control mode and wireless distributed control mode. We provide different control modes according to different needs of users. Users can control the floor tile screen into the interactive mode of different patterns by using software. 例えば, people walk through the glass shattering effect, flower opening effect, water ripple when walking, catching fish, sweeping leaves, playing football and playing some small interactive games. Let the audience really participate in the interactive game, in order to attract more people flow, so as to achieve a certain conversion rate and income.


Usually, the broken glass effect is common in the glass plank path, which is very simple to achieve. The broken glass under the toughened glass is not only a piece of glass, but also a transparent LED display screen. In technology, we need to use the developed induction radar and cooperate with special software. When people enter the sensing area, the radar sends out instructions, and the special effect will be triggered to play the broken glass picture and even audio

Some people say that the effect of glass fragmentation is too lifelike, which will frighten tourists out of heart disease or cause other diseases. In fact, the scenic spot will set up a prompt at the position of the high simulation glass broken floor tile screen to remind tourists to pay attention to the effect of simulated glass fragmentation in front, so tourists need not worry too much. Tourists can choose whether totake risksor challenge psychological limits according to their physical conditions and psychological endurance.

Some people say that after the glass fragmentation effect is set up in the scenic area, if the glass plank road is really broken, tourists will mistakenly think that it is the special effect made by the scenic area, thus leading to some dangerous accidents. In fact, the scenic spot will regularly check whether there is any damage to the glass trestle. Once the glass is found to be broken, the scenic spot will be closed to replace the glass, and it will not continue to open until the safety inspection is passed, so as to avoid the glass breakage that tourists worry about.

Since the rise of glass plank road in scenic area, the glass fragmentation effect of LED transparent screen with interactive effect has been widely favored by scenic spots, and it is also amagic weaponto attract tourists. The scenic spot should also take all protective measures accordingly, so tourists don’t have to worry too much about the safety accidents caused by the broken glass effect.

Led glass plank road screen and led transparent screen are one of the LED display screens. In fact, led time tunnel screen and led interactive floor tile screen can also be equipped in the scenic area, so that people can travel through time and space, and can interact with each other on the ground. Equipped with these two kinds of LED displays, we can create famous scenic spots for the scenic spot. Details can be consulted: 18038141365, let customer service negotiate with you!

リアル3D裸眼立体LEDディスプレイを実現 “通りの波”!


3D LED display is a new information display media developed rapidly in the world in the late 1980s. It is to change the display contents of the screen by changing the red green (赤, 緑, blue and yellow) light beads in a timely manner, such as text, animation, pictures and video, and control the component display through modular structure. The development has achievedthe street waves”, mainly with 3D naked eye LED display to achieve this effect, but also to show some more wonderful pictures!


Street wavescome and attack, a look like the deep sea, the waves hit, immediately buried in the sea. It is necessary to say that the animation is very lifelike, and it is worth mentioning that the LED display can perfectly present the whole picture and maximize the effect. Compared with the previous LED display technology did not know how much progress, how many people’s efforts to have this effect today, we see other display effects!

This is a screen made of LED transparent screen in LED display screen, アイススクリーンとも呼ばれます. Transparent LED display is self-emitting display, which is different from projection and back projection display technology, and can play dynamic video and picture independently, without other tools such as projection. What we often see is the jewelry displayed in the jewelry store on the street, which shows a beautiful jewelry perfectly, and all the details are reflected!

The effect of LED display is very realistic, which can display the content perfectly and attract the eyes of pedestrians. の “通りの波” created by the real 3D 3D LED display screen is a wave of popularity. The LED display has a variety of different effects. 例えば, LED display factory led time tunnel screen, led transparent screen and LED floor tile screen, 等, the effect is different! For details, please consult: 18038141365, let the sales manager contact you!



透明なLEDアイススクリーンは、LED透明スクリーンまたはLEDアイススクリーンとも呼ばれます. Say white is jewelry shop show jewelry, a beautiful jewelry show on the counter, without any support point. Ice screen used in many places, the effect is very good, bring popularity, directly increase income. As a pedestrian in the LED display screen, I’d like to talk about how much the LED ice screen costs per square meter, and by the way, talk about the charging standard for the ice screen!


私. brief introduction to ice screen:

Ice screen is a new LED display テクノロジー. It looks like a group of small linear LED lamps composed of blinds, the highest permeability of 85%, maximize the perspective effect, is one of the display equipment with the highest clarity and the best perspective effect. The ice screen has a novel and unique display effect. 観客が理想的な距離に立って鑑賞する場合, the screen is like floating on the glass, ガラス本来の照明機能には影響しません。.

How much is the ice screen per square meter? Detailed explanation of price structure:

1: the price of LED ice screen covers more than 60% of the total investment of the project. The LED screen is composed of module, 電源, box and power line.

2: the control system adopts C5 model of cloud intelligence technology. The main control box sends signals to each screen to make each pixel controlled: * DVI output, RJ45 / optical fiber connection interface; * gigabit network card, DVI transmission; * 2 output port, supporting maximum resolution: 1024 * 1280. * & nbsp; standard main control box and mini main control box

3. The most basic accessories are: コンピューター (desktop computer), power distribution cabinet, audio power amplifier (optional), video processor (optional), 等.

4. The main function of air case is more convenient packing and transportation: * サイズ: 1.015m long, 0.52M high, 0.88M wide * volume: 10 pieces

How much is the ice screen per square meter? The detailed price is useless. It’s mainly because the price gap between the manufacturer and the dealer is too big. There is also a gap in the after-sales maintenance. What’s more, the model and material you choose are different. About ice screen charging standards or need to find LED display manufacturers to understand the situation, here recommended LED display factory, can consult: 18038141365, see your demand, give you a final quotation!

New amusement park projectled interactive dance floor screen

interactive dance floor

Now the LED interactive dance floor screen is gradually rising. It is also an interactive special effect, and it will also become a net red game project. The success of LED glass plank road special effect screen can be copied! Do you want to miss it? 過去に, led glass trestle effect screen can only be installed in scenic spots. 今, led interactive floor tile screen has more scenes, which can be installed not only in scenic spots, but also in amusement parks, ショッピングモール, バー, KTV, science and Technology Museum, 等! Places with a large number of people can be used to make money and attract consumers! Kill two birds with one stone! The future is clear without saying it!

interactive dance floor

As a new type of stage display equipment, led interactive floor tile screen is widely used in hotel bar wedding large concert theme park. Its appearance is exquisite and high-grade, and its design is scientific. It uses high-quality aluminum alloy, advanced electronic ceramics and other materials for heat conduction and heat dissipation. It takes new digital technology as the core, adopts microcomputer full digital processing and advanced circuit protection Equipment, widely used in building, curtain wall, community, commercial square, bridge, highway and other building lighting; landscape decoration lighting of cultural landscape, garden, tourist attractions; バー, KTV, product release, T-stage show, stage performance, evening party, concert decoration, 広告, media decoration and other commercial lighting.

Led interactive floor tile screen is only one of the LED display screen products, but also more popular led time tunnel screen, let people shuttle in the space-time tunnel, can also be in the sea. Details can be consulted LED display manufacturers led display factory.

Cost standard of LED outdoor advertising screen

led video wall advertising

For the outdoor LED advertisements we often see, it is a large screen to play advertisements. The advertising effect is also very good. 今日, let’s talk about the charging standard of LED outdoor advertising screen to see how much money it costs to buy LED outdoor advertising screen!

led video wall advertising

私. LED広告スクリーン

現在のところ, LED advertising screen can be installed indoors or outdoors. The value of LED advertising screen charges is measured by the flow of people and different classes of people. High end and atmospheric places, including high-speed railway stations, 空港, subways, ショッピングモール, 歩行者専用道路, food city, 等, are valuable resources for advertising. The most common places for LED advertising screen installation include both sides of the road, on the square, and exclusive stores Or direct shop entrance, building clearance, wall advertising or column advertising screen and so on.

II. Price of LED advertising screen

加えて, the factors affecting the charging standard of LED outdoor advertising screen also include the size of the screen body. Some screens are 30 幅メートルと 15 高さメートル, with a total area of 450 平方メートル. Some LED advertising screens are only 6 meters wide and more than 3 高さメートル, with an area of only 20 平方メートル. したがって, customers will also consider the effect of advertising screen when choosing advertising screen, so the area also has a great influence on the price of LED advertising screen Sound, usually the outdoor advertising screen area between 60-150 square meters is more appropriate. If the screen area is too large, the advertising fee price can’t be too high, and the screen area is too small, the advertising effect may not be so good.

The charge standard of LED outdoor advertising screen is about 1000-10000 元, and the specific situation needs to consult the sales staff. It depends on where you put the LED display screen, how much area it needs, what materials and what effects are needed. Only then can the sales personnel give you an accurate quotation. You can find the LED display factory sales staff to consult, as LED display manufacturers, not only can do outdoor, indoor can also do, but also led transparent screen, led rental screen, can also customize LED display, details can be consulted:

Small pitch LED display from led wall manufacturer

Many people do not know the small pitch LED display screen, even more do not know the price of LED small space display screen, only know that the small space LED display screen is very good. It is very practical and applicable, and has a lot of application fields. There can be a large LED display screen composed of small screens to maximize the rendering effect and show it perfectly. The following LEDディスプレイ工場 LED display manufacturers, to tell you about this small space display screen!

私. small space LED display

LED display screen is composed of LED lamp beads, and the small spacing LED display screen is that the distance between two lights is smaller. The traditional method of defining product specification of LED display screen is the distance between two lights. 例えば, P10 is the distance between two lights is 10mm, P8 is also the space between two lights is 8mm, 等々.

II. Application fields of small spacing LED display

Education and publicity: interactive system in campus area and training institutions.

Public places: information display in transportation industries such as airports, railways, subways, highways, libraries, museums, ショッピングモール, 等.

Commercial demonstration: TV studio, large-scale performance, commercial exhibition, hotel lobby, enterprises and institutions, 等.

Government departments: publicity for the convenience of the people, guidelines for handling affairs, openness of government affairs, 等.

III. price of LED small space display screen

Many companies need to install more LED beads, small spacing LED display screen technology requirements are also high, there are heat dissipation, circuit and other problems to solve, also need to spend some relatively large cost, now the low yield rate is a big problem caused by the current small spacing LED product price, for some ordinary families now, more than 100 inches Small space products need to spend hundreds of thousands of yuan to buy, is simply a lot of ordinary families can not afford.

For the purchase of small space LED display screen, you still need to go to the LED display manufacturer for detailed information. Maybe you will have a better choice. Maybe the arc shaped LED screen and the LED floor tile screen may be more suitable for you. You should know the place you want to place in detail. It is recommended to find out the LED display manufacturer to understand the price of LED small space display screen, and then to see whether other display screens are more suitable for their own, and consider the final quotation most!

How about LED floor tile screen?

LED floor tile screen is widely used in hotels, バー, 結婚式, large-scale concerts, theme parks, cultural landscape, gardens, tourist attractions and other landscape lighting; バー, KTV, product release, T-stage show, stage performance, evening party, concert decoration, 広告, media decoration and other commercial lighting. LED floor tile manufacturers explain the characteristics of LED floor tile screen!

Characteristic 1. The life cycle is relatively stable

It is self-evident that in people’s life, in addition to bringing light to people’s environment, different quality light source will have corresponding life cycle, and LED floor tile screen is no exception. The units that can supply professional LED floor tile screen to customers can ensure stable cycle life, so the life cycle stability has become one of the characteristics of LED floor tile screen;

2番, the variety of light sources

It is not difficult to find that more and more enterprises will choose LED floor tile screen to improve the differentiation of their own enterprises, and different enterprises will choose different colors of LED floor tile screen to modify the enterprise brand. したがって, the units that supply professional LED floor tile screens on the market will have professional colors. Different floor tile screens can provide people with appropriate choices, so there are various types of light sources It becomes another characteristic of the floor tile screen;

三番目, the light source has high brightness and stable performance

In order to improve the identification of various enterprises in a dark environment, people will choose the LED floor tile screen with higher brightness to decorate their enterprise logo and enterprise brand. したがって, it has become an indispensable LED floor tile screen installation for every enterprise and its performance is relatively stable. したがって, high brightness and stable performance of light source has become one of the characteristics of LED floor tile screen;

The LED floor tile screen is exquisite in appearance, scientific in design, and adopts high-quality aluminum alloy Electronic ceramics and other materials are used for heat conduction and heat dissipation. With the new digital technology as the core, it adopts microcomputer full digital processing and advanced circuit protection equipment. It is widely used in building lighting, curtain wall, residential area, commercial square, bridge, highway and other buildings. LED floor tile manufacturer LED display factory specializes in LED display, led time tunnel screen and led transparent screen, etc Please consult customer service for details!
