Cómo instalar la pantalla LED? ¿Cuáles son los métodos de instalación??

La pantalla LED se utiliza cada vez más. When the application field and installation environment are different, the installation methods of LED display are also different. Cómo instalar la pantalla LED? ¿Cuáles son los métodos de instalación??

pared llevada al aire libre
1、 The most common installation method (wall mounted or embedded)
Wall mounted installation is the most commonly used installation method. The LED display will protrude 10 cm or more from the wall. Embedded is that the whole LED large screen is embedded into the wall, and the display plane is at the same level as the wall. These two installation methods are usually used when there is no rain indoors or semi outdoors, and the front maintenance design is generally adopted (i.e. front maintenance design, que generalmente se ensambla mediante succión magnética de placa unitaria).
2、 Tipo voladizo o suspensión
Este método se puede utilizar tanto en interiores como en exteriores.. Generalmente, Las escenas interiores se utilizan en la entrada de pasillos y pasillos., así como en la entrada de las estaciones, estaciones de tren y entradas de metro. Las escenas exteriores se utilizan para guiar el tráfico en las autopistas., ferrocarriles y autopistas.
3、 Instalación de columna (columna simple y columna doble)
Hay muchos métodos de instalación de columnas., que generalmente se utilizan para vallas publicitarias al aire libre, and the single column installation method is suitable for small screens; Double column installation method is suitable for large screen; Closed maintenance channel is suitable for simple box; The open maintenance channel is suitable for all outdoor boxes.
4、 Floor standing and roof type installation method
This method is applicable to indoor and outdoor. Generalmente, the back wall cannot bear load or the surrounding is open, so it can only be installed vertically on the ground. This installation method is generally thick, because there are no support points around, and all forces are supported at the bottom.

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