P4.81 የአውስትራሊያ ኤግዚቢሽን ማዕከል ሙሉ ቀለም የቤት ውስጥ LED ማሳያ ለክስተቶች ጥቅም ላይ ይውላል

መሪ ደረጃ ማያ ገጾች

መሪ ደረጃ ማያ ገጾች

events led display

Front Maintenance P3.91 P4.81 P6.35 P9.525 Outdoor/Indoor Big Stage LED Display Screen Front Maintenance P3.91 P4.81 P6.35 P5.25 outdoor/Indoor Big Stage LED Display Screen.

መጠን: 68 ካሬ ሜትር


it is a full color LED display, LED screen and LED should products as the main business, scientific research, development, ማምረት, and engineering for the integration of high-tech enterprises. it has a modern research and development base, equipped with the world advanced level of scientific research, ማምረት, analysis, testing equipment, has a high-quality scientific research team, committed to the development of the industry application in the field of photoelectric photoelectric products and services.

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